At last a corporate media journalist has broken loose and nailed the prime minister, the government and its response to Covid-19.

This breakdown finally nails the lies and misinformation that has lead to the deaths of many thousands who could be still alive if the government had not defied the scientific advice and gone rogue.

He must resign now to enable the government to wash its hands of this calamitous and deadly strategy.

Douglas James

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  1. Guys, you’re doing youselves no favours with your layout,

    I blog stuff, and that means I see something now and write about it sometime within the next week.

    There is nothing above that I can one-click either screenshot or hard copy.

    So you don’t get quoted as often as you should be.


  2. This article is pure exaggeration and sensationalising of the LBC video to grab a political headline.
    So Boris shook someones hand – mostly before the sage advice then a couple of people soon after. All before social distancing advice. This doesn’t remotely translate to ‘thousands dying unecessarily’.