Poacher becomes gamekeeper. This time last year he was defending Jeremy Corbyn to the hilt. Now he has turned on him to appease the right wing media and attract right wing voters.
Unprincipled, shallow and unfortunately leader of the Labour Party.
One of Jeremy Corbyn’s greatest human assets is that he does not attack people personally. One of Keir Starmer’s greatest political assets is that he does. What do we want? Great humans? Or great Machiavellians?
Douglas James
Anyone capable of independent critical thinking knows Jeremy Corbyn has been deliberately smeared for political reasons and i suspect very soon his accusers are going to be exposed and Karma will visit them and their short careers !
…And that’s exactly HOW Keir Starmer won Labour’s leadership election with lies and deceit, and WHY he now attempts to bottle-up criticism of him from INSIDE of Labour..!