Well, well, Mr O.

O for Osborne; O for Oil.  Is your fixation with fossil fuels some kind of genetic disorder, or are you simply unable to avoid betraying your family’s roots in the extremophile classes with your ongoing underground fetish?



There’s you, openly stating that you plan a further £12 billion of cuts to essential welfare services in the country whose grossly underpaid working population provides your over-inflated salary, and at the same time saying equally publicly that you now plan to give millions of those reclaimed pounds away to the new government of Ukraine!!  It’s not difficult to see why – it’s right there in black and white in the report: “……a country with huge natural resources INCLUDING OIL…”

An interesting parallel follows immediately on the heels of that exposure, which mirrors the actions of you and your fellow asset-strippers in the government:: “…spent millions on a vulgar palace while his people suffered.”

How’s your paddock and new house?

When you write your autobiography, maybe you should call it “The Story Of O – a tale of unbridled hedonism and sadistic excess.”

I think one of my friends, Elaine, sums you and your kind up perfectly in a comment that she made in response to the Daily Fail’s article:

They are taking the piss just to look good in the worlds media yet think it is all right to push the people of their own country into poverty. What a 2 faced vile shite he really is.

Enough said, I think, Judas.  Give my regards to the snottites next time you visit the family vaults, won’t you?


Darren Lynch

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