Not just any old spokesperson but David Mencer who is an Israeli government spokesperson and the former director of Labour Friends of Israel.

It takes seconds for him to contradict himself and reveal how the Israeli murder machine is keeping reality from our senses.

For those who believe it is all about the hostages, as the ignorant and psychopathic would have us believe, here are just seven of the many recent atrocities perpetrated by Israel:

1. Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009)

  • Description: This three-week military offensive was launched by Israel in December 2008, with the stated aim of stopping rocket fire from Gaza into Israel.
  • Casualties: Approximately 1,400 Palestinians were killed, including a significant number of civilians. The UN and various human rights organizations criticized Israel for the excessive use of force, particularly in densely populated urban areas.
  • Notable Incidents:
    • Al-Fakhura School Incident: On January 6, 2009, Israeli shelling near a UN-run school in Jabalia killed around 40 Palestinian civilians. Israel claimed it was targeting militants, but the attack drew widespread condemnation.
    • White Phosphorus Usage: Human Rights organizations reported that Israel used white phosphorus munitions in civilian areas, causing severe burns and other injuries. The use of white phosphorus in such contexts is widely condemned under international law.

2. Operation Protective Edge (2014)

  • Description: Another major military operation launched by Israel, which lasted for 50 days in July and August 2014. The stated aim was to stop rocket fire from Gaza and to destroy Hamas tunnels used to infiltrate Israel.
  • Casualties: More than 2,200 Palestinians were killed, including around 500 children. The operation led to massive destruction in Gaza, displacing over 100,000 people.
  • Notable Incidents:
    • Shuja’iyya Neighborhood Bombardment: On July 20, 2014, Israel heavily bombarded the Shuja’iyya neighborhood in Gaza City, resulting in over 100 Palestinian deaths in a single day, many of whom were civilians.
    • UN School Attacks: Several UN schools sheltering displaced Palestinians were hit during the conflict, including an attack on a school in Jabalia on July 30, 2014, which killed at least 16 people.

3. Gaza Border Protests (2018)

  • Description: Beginning in March 2018, Palestinians in Gaza began weekly protests near the Israeli border fence, demanding the right to return to their ancestral lands and protesting the blockade of Gaza.
  • Casualties: Israeli forces responded with live fire, resulting in over 200 Palestinian deaths and thousands of injuries. The UN and human rights organizations condemned the use of lethal force against largely unarmed protesters.
  • Notable Incidents:
    • May 14, 2018, Massacre: On the day the US moved its embassy to Jerusalem, Israeli forces killed around 60 Palestinian protesters, including children and medics. This day marked one of the bloodiest in the border protests.

4. Blockade of Gaza (2007-Present)

  • Description: Since 2007, Israel (with Egyptian cooperation) has imposed a land, air, and sea blockade on Gaza, restricting the movement of people and goods. The blockade has had severe humanitarian consequences, leading to widespread poverty, unemployment, and a shortage of essential supplies.
  • Humanitarian Impact: The blockade has been described as “collective punishment” by various international organizations. It has severely limited access to healthcare, education, and basic necessities, exacerbating the suffering of Gaza’s civilian population.

5. Airstrikes on Civilian Infrastructure

  • Description: Throughout various conflicts, Israeli airstrikes have targeted civilian infrastructure in Gaza, including homes, schools, hospitals, and media offices.
  • Notable Incidents:
    • Al-Aqsa TV Station Bombing (2018): In November 2018, Israel bombed the headquarters of Al-Aqsa TV in Gaza, arguing it was a legitimate target due to its connection to Hamas. The attack was criticized for targeting a media outlet.
    • Residential Tower Bombings (2021): During the May 2021 conflict, Israeli airstrikes destroyed several high-rise buildings in Gaza, including those housing media organizations like the Associated Press and Al Jazeera. Israel claimed these buildings were used by Hamas, but the attacks were widely condemned.

6. Targeted Assassinations and Civilian Casualties

  • Description: Israel has conducted numerous targeted assassinations of Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders, often resulting in significant civilian casualties.
  • Notable Incidents:
    • Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Assassination (2004): The spiritual leader of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, was killed in an Israeli airstrike. The attack, which also killed several others, was condemned as an extrajudicial killing.

7. Use of Live Ammunition Against Protesters

  • Description: Israeli forces have repeatedly used live ammunition against Palestinian protesters, including during the Great March of Return.
  • Casualties: Thousands of Palestinians have been wounded or killed during these protests. Human rights groups argue that the use of lethal force was often unjustified and excessive.

These events represent some of the most widely cited incidents where Israel’s actions in Gaza have been condemned as atrocities. These actions have drawn significant international criticism, with calls for accountability and adherence to international humanitarian law.

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