If Keir Starmer QC wishes to adopt the Union flag as the new ‘flag of the Labour Party’, I suggest he removes his party from Wales.
In June 1831, iron-workers and coal miners rose in rebellion against the terrible working and living conditions in Merthyr Tydfil. Some 7,000 to 10,000 workers marched under a red flag, which was later adopted internationally as the symbol of communists and socialists. For four days, magistrates and ironmasters were under siege in the Castle Hotel, and the protesters effectively controlled Merthyr. In 1831, the people’s flag was deepest red… blood-red.
If Starmer QC wishes to forget history… he is at liberty to do so, but those of us who remember our history will never forget. And neither will we ever forgive.
Time for a re-alignment of politics in these islands.
The Labour Party is moribund.