I wouldn’t normally post this kind of thing, but today this happened to us, and it has made me so angry. If you have any information on who they might be, I would love to know. It’s a long shot; I imagine they aren’t from around here, but they left the garden centre on foot, past the Crown and across Burton Road through the alleyway to Lake Lane, where I think they would have parked, so if you were there at around 13:20 today, you might have seen something.
Our team works so hard to keep our centre a nice place to be, accessible and easy to shop, then people like this come in and take them. It’s heartbreaking for everyone.
Apologies if this isn’t the right thing to do, but it’s just becoming too much.
Take Care
Charlie (Grove Nurseries)
Let’s make these chaps wish they had stayed at home that day.