Bournemouth is an international town. Our businesses and services thrive as customers, learners and contributors come from all over Europe and beyond. Additionally, our largest and closest neighbour is a port that welcomes visitors from overseas and builds extremely nice boats. All of this helps keep us not only afloat but buoyant; but will we be able to stay above water?

The result of June’s referendum has already had some significant effects, not the least of which is the rapidly sinking Pound. Across the political spectrum it is recognised that we must brace ourselves for the new wave of austerity that is about to break.

Bournemouth’s Conservative Councillors have a firm grip on the tiller of local power. There is no scrutiny. It has a pronounced direction and shows no intention of adjusting the rudder to meet the needs of all who live here. Our two MPs, Connor Burns and Tobias Ellwood, appear content with the Borough’s stewardship, which is leaving many left behind in its corporate centred wake.

What is going to be the direct impact of Brexit on people in Bournemouth? More importantly, what are our elected representatives thinking or doing about the fact that Bournemouth Council is overseeing or causing the following…

Reducing housing options. Social housing promises have turned out to be as empty as the luxury apartments waiting to be bought by the wealthy. The housing list in Bournemouth is static, becalmed, languishing in the doldrums. Over 4000 local people have no clue about their housing future.

Limiting participation. Yet another bus service has had its tyres slashed and pensioners will hurt the most as the Throop to Boscombe pier route no longer exists. It’s a long walk to the seafront, are our councillors recommending taxis or will the land train wave bus passes aboard?

Constraining access; Why should it be left to the next rail service franchise holder to determine whether or not disabled people can travel to or from Pokesdown train station?  What have the residents of Brockenhurst got that Pokesdown residents don’t have? Where are our MPs on this issue? Why should disabled residents and visitors have to wait for up to three years for these lifts to be installed? Why should a parent with a buggy have to wait until their baby can walk before having easier access to the platform?

Entrenching social division Why is the centre of town being turned into an affluent gated play park for the wealthy, built on council land? Are our MPs planning to move in there?

But in the interests of balance, let’s consider the flip side. Our Honourable and council members are being very consistent as they show absolute commitment to;

Increasing dependance on the car.

Maximising  property values.

Building dependence on private landlords.

Creating a divided community

Perhaps our two Conservative MPs would like to demonstrate their commitment to our community by explaining how they will hold back a tide of cuts set to engulf our local schools. New figures published by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers and the National Union of Teachers show, for example, that Kings Park Academy in Boscombe is set to lose funding equivalent to seven full-time teachers. Meanwhile, on the other side of Bournemouth, Elm Academy appears to be about to lose the equivalent of six full-time teachers. These are just two examples out of many Bournemouth schools which are set to lose the benefit of the Liberal Democrats’ Pupil Premium which has helped thousands of Bournemouth children over the last few years.

We challenge our Conservative MPs to demonstrate how they will protect our schools and our children from such draconian cuts. They have the power to bring about a rethink, but are they brave enough?

If we are not careful our fantastic town will soon appear washed up, we are calling on local leaders to shore up our services and facilities. Bournemouth risks being divided and damaged if nothing is done.

Phil Dunn and Jon Nicholas

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