Tony Blair is, OBVIOUSLY, hugely unpopular with EVERYONE except the Labour right and our media.
Who in their right mind (pun intended), would defend this ‘honour’ and base their entire leadership regime on Blair? You would have to be monumentally stupid, completely detached from reality and in the Cult of Blair…. Step forward Sir Keir Starmer. Bat. Shit. Crazy.

Amazing that Keir Starmer, who has Peter f***ing Mandelson taking time away from hell to advise him, has judgement this terrible.
To be this stupid and incompetent takes some doing…step forward Sir Keir Starmer, David Evans and the Labour right. Truly, genuinely, totally deluded. Mortifyingly embarrassing.
Can we all please wake up from this nightmare! Utterly f***ing humiliating for UK Labour….
Remember it is THIS Tony Blair and his far right buddies who started the murderous sh** show:
Simon Bolivar
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