Local Solutions to the Climate Crisis – What You Can Do?


How can we build back better after the Covid lockdowns in a way that can head off the far greater threat of climate chaos? What can individual students and citizens do in Dorset to help slow the accelerating climate emergency?

These are the themes of an event at Bournemouth University on the 22nd September at which local environmental activists talk to students about the campaigns they have been waging and the solutions that need urgently adopting to deal with the many environmental crises we now face. Hosted by UCU environment reps David McQueen and Steve Harper the event features short presentations by Greenpeace, Planet Purbeck, East Dorset Friends of the Earth, Transition Poole and Global Justice Now and will focus on what we must do individually and collectively to move Dorset to a zero carbon county by 2030. This requires a radical and immediate shift from the present unsustainable fossil fuel economy to a circular economy and resistance to change must be confronted by determined and united action if we are to survive. It also requires changes in the way we travel, work, heat our homes, eat and relate to a consumer economy.

This meeting will help lay the groundwork for a local response to the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties COP26 (31st October – 12th November 2021) in Glasgow where world leaders come together to agree coordinated action to tackle climate change. Details of how local groups plan to respond and further events at BU will be publicised at this event.

You can register for the event here:


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