Look up to the skies and what do you see

I perceive our white sun and skies of blue,

from in the morning only a change in the noon,

I see trails of chemicals sprayed from planes on me and you,

and then our skies changes,  no blue but a silver hue.

The plane clouds start wispy then begin to form,

people look up and think this is the norm.

The cloud begins to cover and the white sun is gone

what we have left is a vista of none.

I ask fellow humans what do they see,

they look up to the sky and say its a normal day but the sun has gone.

I remember the times when our sun was yellow and our skies were blue,

nobody cares what they think is true.

More people are suffering with breathing and ill health

while the corporations grab the wealth.

When will people look up and see,

what the psychopaths running the show are doing to you and me.

Biodiversity is dying,

our planet fails to support life systems.  

We have gone as a species off the rails.

Wake up and look up, question and protest,

if we don’t act now this will be our death!!!!!!

Stuart Sixtyseven

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