Heather Hamer & Eddie Adamberry, of the songwriting and music production partnership “Wild Love Music” are delighted to announce that their “Love to Sing” project will be documented in a forthcoming radio programme on Bridport FM (87.7FM) on Saturday 20 September at 5pm.  

Ten amateur singers responded to an article in the local paper, offering them a chance to record themselves each singing one of Ed & Heather’s songs. Although Wild Love Music has now disbanded, we want to celebrate the courage of our ten singers in coming out of their comfort zones to record their songs, some of which we wrote especially for them.  There’s a video on YouTube airing clips of all ten songs, and including views of Bridport and surrounding areas – those familiar with the area will no doubt recognise them!  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRmXCPnQCiQ)

Thank you to all our singers, you’ve made this a wonderful project, which we have done voluntarily and enjoyed it immensely!  All tracks can be downloaded via our website www.wildlovemusic.com – and if there’s sufficient demand from listeners, Ed will produce a CD of the whole album.  

Heather Hamer

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