They said Jeremy Corbyn was the reason Labour lost in 2019. They said what they wanted us to hear.

The facts present a very different picture.

Previously buried data:

Voters who voted Labour in 2017 but not in 2019 were asked to list the main reason for their vote.

The results were:

34% ~ To get Brexit done

18% ~ To stop Brexit

14% ~ NHS & public services

10% ~ Policies

6% ~ Economy

5% ~ Corbyn

Via @JLPartnersPolls 12 December 2019

On top of this the NEC were going all out to prevent a ‘socialist’ lead the Labour party and in 2016 were hell bent on preventing him run again following the challenge by Owen Smith.

However, the legal repercussions would have been extremely damaging. The solution was therefore to go after Mr Corbyn’s strengths. Anti racism. The focus was to politicise antisemitism given Mr Corbyn’s solidarity with the Palestinians and his long battle against the terrorism inflicted on them by Israel.

The corporate media, other political parties and troll groups all combined with right wing Labour MP’s and apparatchiks to bring Mr Corbyn and his anti racist socialist politics down.

And they did didn’t they. The only thing they failed to do was dampen the desire of decent people to quell the propaganda and lies. In fact it has merely made them stronger and more resolute to create a decent society in the future.

James Finlayson

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