“Had three people instrumental in Keir Starmer’s campaign say they majorly regret it and his performance now.” Dawn Foster.

Yep. I have had 4 female crying with me in person or via phone/messenger calls re Starmer’s hypocrisy, racism & bullying, I’ve had quite a few who voted for him telling me they feel “completely betrayed, the lying, hypocritical a***hole” etc, and many more who are tearing their hair out and completely demoralised. Add to this the frankly shocking results from that members survey where the majority of those responding gave the “very unhappy” response to how they thought Starmer was doing.

Given Labour cannot even say Trump is racist, that we have lost lots of BAME members and members in general, that Labour sides with landlords claiming interest from tenants, have p***ed off the Kashmiri population & BLM Movement, that Labour doesn’t want to raise taxes on the richest, is contradicting our own Environmental Shadow Minister re Enviro targets, the Labour for a Green New Deal call Labour’s stance now “a betrayal”….given Starmer is in his ‘honeymoon’ period, has most media and commentariat praising him, no backstabbing from Labour MPs and with him facing THE worst PM and Government in history who have been responsible in no small part for tens of thousands of completely unnecessary deaths, then all in all I think we can say this has been an incredibly demoralising, upsetting and completely unacceptable start by Starmer.

The Party is becoming completely unrecognisable and he’s only been in charge since April. Sort it Starmer, and sort it now. Before it’s too late. Corbyn never had ANY of the advantages Starmer did. None. He faced and defeated coups. If Labour were performing this shockingly badly, with these consistent polling figures, he would have already faced another coup….

I am staying a member. Because I don’t do bullying, I want to be here to get justice re Labour leaks etc. I want to be here to help salvage what is left of the Party as Starmer et al inevitably have to ACTUALLY DO WHAT THEY PROMISED, and revert back to The Left over the next few months as UK and global politics/economic/social issues will force them to. Obviously absurd it will take that for them to see sense, but the Labour right never, ever, ever, ever, ever learn…until now. Because they’ll have to.

Watch this space…

Adam Samuels

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    • These People are a POLAR OPPOSITE Parasite Party that infested the UK LP in ’83 when Blair Gnawed his way into the UK LP, dragging the renewed and reviewed Neoconservative MONSTER of Thatcher, Blair and Reagan, “Centrism” behind him.
      Later he created the New Labour TORY Party so that just like America we were also stuck on a Never Ending Merry Go Round with a non-choice of THE ELITES or THE ELITES! Separated only by Colour and The ELITE OWNED MSM and POLLS!
      Then only for their ARROGANCE we were handed 2 ‘ONCE IN A LIFETIME’, GOLDEN TICKETS GE17/19 to get off that ENDLESS ride!
      We must remember they only “allowed” Jeremy to stand as a Prank! The PRANK was on them! THE PEOPLE won the day and that is why We had 2 GEs 17/19 where we HAD A REAL LASTING CHOICE: THE PEOPLE or THE TORY ELITES!
      We must keep on mind that even though Jeremy was LOTO The UK Labour Party=Democratic Socialists=THE PEOPLE was the tiny minority of only 15/20% compared to their 80/85% of ELITES CONNECTED, OWNED AND RUN New-Labour TORY Party=Neoconservative “Centrist”=The Ruling Classes, with direct access to The ELITES, MSM and Polls!
      If we THE PEOPLE want to win a GE and quit this night mare of THE TORY ELITE or THE TORY ELITE we have only one last trick up our sleeve!
      That means 2 TERRIBLE THINGS!
      1 The Conservative TORIES win another GE!
      2 We might have to force ourself to vote Conservative Tory!
      On the Brighter side:
      We have already suffered 41 years of TORY HELL, to take another 5 years for the sake of Future Generations NOW, TO FINALLY END IT would be an Honourable thing to do!
      We’ve had 2015 to Current to learn that Srarmer is looking a far Nastier Candidate for PM than Nasty Johnson, even if we base that on Assange alone! The Rest of his Cabinet/New-Lab TORY Party MPs are no bloody better either!
      Johnson U-Turns Under Public Pressure, Keith “LOOPHOLES” Starmer would not in a Million Years Budge!
      Johnson is INDIRECTLY/INADVERTENTLY Uniting and Waking THE PEOPLE we need the PEOPLE AWAKE as it is clear too many are still under the Spell of The ELITES Mind Control MSM!
      We will NEVER get another Jeremy, no matter how many Members we have, first stage is PLP and they will never make that mistake again to underestimate another Jeremy or THE PEOPLE’S hunger for Democratic Socialism! Even if we do by some magical intervention, we still face the The Majority Staffers Direct Link to the Elites from within!
      The only way is to vote them out!
      If your MP/Candidate is New-Labour TORY vote for the biggest Opposition to that Seat, even if that is Conservative F’ing TORY!
      If your MP/Candidate is UK Labour Party, get to know them, get out and start Canvassing NOW, and obviously VOTE for them in all other seats!
      If we had a PARASITE FREE UK Labour Party GE17/19 we would have taken it by a MASSIVE Landslide!

  1. Starmer is generating more anger and demoralisation than even Blair did. I applaud those who’ve got the guts to stay and fight but for me, at 68 having suffered demoralisation so many times before-I’ve had enough

  2. Labours tragedy post Starmer is that it is finished but many like the author don’t know it and so can’t think in terms of its only possible salvation ( and this includes Tribune and Socialist Campaign Group MPs) which is the need for a breakaway/split and to form a coalition with the many other groups on the Left which have formed and are forming as the Corbyn Revolution diffracts. Don’t be fooled this diffraction will continue irreversibly and is already close to melting-point.
    A move leftwards that the author with wishful thinking says must happen may well not happen and folk especially those from the Red Wall would NOT believe its authenticity either nor that in any way a party machine which in effect stole membership fees over years has been cleansed or brought into service or impartiality. Nor will Red Wall voters nor 100,000s of others ever trust Starmer knowing that he held the dagger of the 2nd referendum. This bears upon the other false get-of-gaol card which partisanship serves up as an excuse preventing people from recognizing that a fresh start which would quickly also attract trades union support is the only way out,with a new machine and new administrators and office staff,that of the leadership contest. The Labour Right which completely owns the PLP will never ever allow son or daughter of Corbyn past its gates and only permitted RLB because JC was still leader and because it hadn’t yet reversed the 10% rule change regarding numbers of MP supporters to become a candidate….should such a contest be deemed impossible to resist by the PLP there will only be a change of face and not of real policies and the party won’t set off in another direction;it will only be cosmetic change with another neo-liberal in charge. We should be clear Starmer cant win a GE here whichever coat or mask he is wearing;he won’t ever be trusted as a chameleon, and will be especially mistrusted by the North and the Heartlands and by those who value consistency and honesty,nor indeed will any candidate from the Centre Right do more than bring even greater electoral disaster as the whole boats sinks as voters will go with the devil they know come hell or high water and have rejected Torylite.This is very clear through the Blair vote counts up until 2017 when Labour got its mojo back and would have won but for its own internal enemies and traitors many of whom prosper under Starmer. Its not only time to jump ship and never ever again give them a red cent but time to get a better boat.The tragedy is that MPs from the Left either dont know this,dont care or havent the courage even en bloc to make this move happen.They seem to love endless talking shops.Split the party ,break away ,build the infrastructure and bring on coalitions each agreeing with an agreement to submit one candidate in any given constituency is the only answer to a one-party state which is the real alternative.All this wishful partisan thinking is a recipe for more disaster

  3. After a lot of soul searching, and 5 years of membership of a party I vowed never to join after the illegal invasion of Iraq, I resigned my membership. If Starmer’s reaction to the leaked Labour Report was to use the UK MSM to bury any accurate coverage of the report, and he has doubled down on this position, then I cannot in good conscience allow money to flow into their coffers. The final straw was the 600k payouts to the traitorous sabateurs within the PLP who made a mockery of the membership’s wishes and hopes for a democratic socialist government.