More travel options between Ferndown and Wimborne


Work starts this July to complete improved routes along Wimborne Road East, Ferndown.

This will provide a more accessible route, making it easier for people get around the area when walking, cycling, wheeling or taking the bus.

It will connect residential areas, local schools, and large centres of employment, increasing travel options when getting to work, the shops or school. 

When complete, there will be 7km (4.3 miles) of uninterrupted access improvements from Wimborne to Trickett’s Cross. This will help reduce congestion and pollution, improve air quality and enable better economic and health benefits.

Read more about the Wimborne Road, Ferndown sustainable travel scheme.    

The scheme has been constructed in phases and this final phase, from Stanfield Road to Brickyard Lane, will take place from 1 July 2024 to the end of 2024.

The improvements include:

  • construction of new cycle and walking paths along the north side of Wimborne Road East, with priority over adjoining roads
  • upgrading the existing signal-controlled crossing near Stanfield Road at the school pedestrian/cycle access
  • upgrading of bus stops

The work will be completed in sections, with temporary one-way closures and traffic signals in place. Road signs will be erected before the work starts. 

Local resident, David Webber, said: “I’ve been delighted to see the improvements in cycleways and footways across Wimborne and Ferndown, and really look forward to the final ‘missing link’ being finished on Wimborne Road East.

“I was cycling long distances well into my 80s, but with health problems I can no longer cycle or drive. Having safe, level, wider paths and better crossings helps me be able to move around town on my mobility scooter, and many others will benefit once the route is complete.”

Traffic management will be in place to protect the public and the workforce. This will cause some disruption, but we will seek to keep it to a minimum.

Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways, Dorset Council, said: “This is the final piece in the jigsaw making it easier for people to travel between Ferndown and Wimborne, safely and without the need to depend on a car. Whether it’s commuting to work, cycling to school or popping to the shops, residents and visitors will have more options to travel around their local area, which is good for their health and the local environment.

“With better signalling, wider paths and improved bus stops too, we look forward to the completion of this huge project for eastern Dorset.”

All works and diversion routes will be signposted in advance. Details are also available on our roadworks map. Businesses and schools, and local residents directly affected, have been contacted by the council’s project team.

This work completes the major project of building accessibility improvements along Wimborne Road East and West in Ferndown. 

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