Formed, just over three months ago, Flavourfy, based in Lytchett Matravers, is picking up steam helping local businesses and organisations with their online strategies. Flavourfy offers an extensive suite of services to small and medium sized businesses, from website design to social media strategies and training.
Owner, Mark Gracey said:
“I set up Flavourfy to show that online strategy solutions don’t need to be complicated or expensive. The last thing a business owner needs is complication when they’re trying to concentrate on building their business. That’s why Flavourfy utilises existing tools to deliver solutions to businesses in ways they’ll understand and be able to use easily. And of course we’re on hand if they need help, offering advice and guidance in a clear and friendly way.”
Although Flavourfy has only been operating since June, Mark already has a number of projects in development. However, the first organisation to get the Flavourfy treatment (or to be “Flavourfied” as Mark likes to put it) is Craniosynostosis Awareness UK, an online based group, raising awareness of Craniosynostosis, a rare birth condition that causes one or more sutures on a baby’s head to close earlier than normal.
Jen Bradbeer, founder of Craniosynostosis Awareness UK, herself having given birth to a child experiencing the condition, feels strongly that there’s a need to spread the word nationally, to hospitals, doctors surgeries and to the general public so that the condition can be detected earlier. Commenting on her use of Flavourfy’s services she said:
“Having run a Facebook Group for sometime, it was a natural progression to set up a website. The Facebook Group is closed so that members can speak frankly about their experiences, so having an open-to-the-public website seemed like a good idea. I asked Mark if he would be able to help at all and he very kindly created the website for us.
Unfortunately we are still working on ways to fund our work, so we are grateful for Flavourfy’s generous offer of setting up the site and hosting it for us free of charge. We were able to leave Mark to get on with the site having provided him with some basic information and we’re very happy with the outcome and look forward to working with Flavourfy in the future as we grow. Even better he was able to get everything in place in time for Craniosynostosis Awareness Month (September).“
A list of Flavourfy’s services can be found online at and anyone interested in being Flavourfied should contact Mark Gracey
The Craniosynostosis Awareness UK website can be found at
Mark Gracey
Flavourfy, Owner