I’ve been extremely frustrated, as I’m sure are most of my friends, about the fact that the main stream media and right wing political elements within our own party have been targeting Jeremy Corbyn and his followers and how this undisputed negative influence has impacted on Labour’s polling. We know that Jeremy is one of the few politicians that inspires trust and we now know that his policies are well thought out and make a lot of sense for the vast majority of ordinary people and I think that most of us would agree that our biggest problem is that we have very few platforms that allow us to deliver our message to the wider electorate.

Some of you will remember that I’ve recently discussed the possibility of setting up an independent 24hr news channel that could rely on an existing infrastructure. This is still something that I am investigating but, I’ve had another idea that I feel could be a lot easier to get off the ground, considerably cheaper and would mean that we wouldn’t be up against government interference. I’d really like to share this simple idea with my friends and I’d really appreciate your thoughts on this.

Could we crowd fund and sponsor a Billboard advertising campaign in all the major cities? Could we take a specific policy every month and present it in the form of a simple message? Something that sets us apart and shows the vision we have for Britain in a way that it makes sense? I know that Jeremy and John’s policies do make sense but getting that message across on a billboard isn’t always easy. We’d need to employ some creative thinking and we want them to be eye catching and perhaps that means paying for a professional advertising company as well as billboard space?

As you’ll see from the example below, Labour billboard adverts in the post have mostly been tame and look rather more like an information leaflet so we really need to step up our game and present a much more credible image and send a really punchy message. I also think we’d be missing a trick if we didn’t inject a little humour into them as well. Looking at billboard campaigns by the Conservatives in the past (examples given below), it seems that their tactic hasn’t been to promote their policies. In fact, they’ve chosen simply to run negative campaigns against Labour. The thing is, it really wouldn’t be too difficult to come up with negative campaigns against the Tories now would it? I mean, where do you start? The failing NHS, the millions needing to use food banks, the lack of housing, people dying while waiting in A&E, people committing suicide because they’ve given up fighting Atos or they’re just not getting the mental health support they need, the rise in homeless people and an increase in the number of homeless deaths, cuts in welfare vs tax cuts for the wealthy…I could go on really.

Perhaps there’s a possibility that the Labour Party could be persuaded to fund the campaign but my gut feeling is that Progress and other interested parties who are working to remove Corbyn will try to block it.

I’d really love to hear your thoughts on this one folks?..

If you are serious about challenging the Tory hate machine.

Koser Saeed

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