Dear The Government – what in the name of Mother Earth do you think you are doing?

David Cameron, you are a total disgrace. You are NOT the voice of the people you purport to represent, you should be thoroughly ashamed of your unsustainable proposals. Have you no decency or respect for the people of the UK, or thought for the planet we live on?

You are showing your true filthy blue colours, it’s all about the money isn’t it, that’s all you can see…lining your pockets like there’s no tomorrow.

Well, when you eventually retire into a shit-polluted Britain or wherever you plan to go and breathe in the fumes of the harmful particles YOU put in the air, I hope your stack of cash keeps you warm….of course it will….you weren’t built with a conscience were you…

Tracey Susan West 
Mother and step mother
Green Party supporter
Greenpeace supporter
Tree planter
Organic grower
Seaworld detester
Bee lover
Compassionate human being
Someone who really, really dislikes just about everything David Cameron stands for! You are clearly proof that evolution can go into REVERSE! If being a money-grabbing nutbar ever goes to $40 a barrel, I want drilling rights to your head!

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