Prime MInister,

“…our welfare reforms go beyond that alone: they are about giving new purpose, new opportunity, new hope – and yes, new responsibility to people who had previously been written off with no chance.”  Said you in your article for the Daily Torygraph.

•  Yes, you’ve given new purpose – to the sadistic MF’s at the DWP.  Their purpose is now to hurt as many sick, disabled and vulnerable people as they possibly can, and they’re going great guns at it.  I have evidence galore of the tragic consequences of their predatory activities.

•  New opportunity – yes, to a man who learned at Auschwitz how to kill people without actually laying a finger on them. Didn’t you, Psychosmiffy?

•  New hope – yes, that your lying contract killer, Atos, doesn’t manage to rob any more of us who genuinely need welfare support of our rightful status.

•  New responsibility – yes, to make sure that our affairs are in proper order just in case it all becomes too much to keep putting up with and we decide to take ourselves to a place where the hurting stops.  Many have already, to the point where Psychosmiffy’s now too terrified to tell the public the actual total.

•  Written off?  No, written up.  As needing to be excused the rigours of the workplace.  By properly qualified medical practitioners rather than the quacks and charlatans at Atos.

•  No chance?  Uh-uh.  Under the old IB system, we had the chance to live out our lives peacefully and without fear.  That changed in May 2010, when you and your dogs embarked on your campaign of terrorisation of the vulnerable.

Now we’restarting to hear mutterings about Atos possibly losing the contract for the WCA.  Presumably this is so you can have the option to claim, as May 2015 comes ever nearer, that you eliminated a contractor that was failing to perform as required.  You won’t mention that the likes of Capita and Serco will pick up the threads with precisely the same brief, though, will you?  That would be honesty, and that’s an aspect of life that’s as foreign to you as using a food bank is.

Once again, you’re offering paper roses to the electorate in the run-up to the elections, but this time we all know that you’ll put a match to the bouquet as soon as you’re allowed into office.  So, no.  We refuse to be so badly deceived by your or your Party ever again and, as UKIP are likely to become the new Opposition meaning the Tories will become the new LibDems (third place) we will let the real red rose have another chance to cast the scent of decency and fairness across the land.  And if they get it wrong this time, we’ll have had plenty of time to come up with a viable alternative by the time 2020 rolls around.  We’re already working on that.

You and your kind are FINISHED, Cameron, make no mistake about that.


Darren Lynch

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