How much more sheer arrogance are Camoron and May going to pour on to the British public? To appoint Butler Sloss to head the Inquiry was nothing short of derisory. Well past her sell by date it appears her terms of reference were very simple….’ Either head the inquiry and come up with the result we want OR stay on the Liverpool Care Pathway’. It is alleged that up until 2005, she was Chair of the highly secretive Cabinet Office Security Commission, tasked with monitoring aspects of security within the upper echelons of Westminster. This would include shredding sensitive documents relating to paedophilia being used as a control mechanism for politicians.
Mmmmmm. Independent and even handed? Yeah right!
She was also involved in the Cleveland Child Abuse scandal and the Jamie Bulger murder trial. Remember the names of the guilty were changed?
Her late brother was involved with Stephen Ward in the Profumo Scandal and was instrumental in the hanging of poor Ruth Ellis, the last woman to hang in Britain.
So, in a few month’s time it would have been… nothing to see here, move along.
Who will they serve up next I wonder?
James Pulleine