Oh I know they give money to the Tories. Unfortunately the party of big business bribes has always worked that way. If in doubt SHOP LOCAL OR GROW/MAKE YOUR OWN!

However, to see that racists are telling me to boycott Sainsbury’s and that every time I go in it will be a RACIST FREE ZONE is beyond magical. How many supermarkets… can have that as a motto? People who do not have dirt for souls and treat all with respect and dignity. It could become a shopping oasis.

No more having to wait in a queue as obese white people drag their knuckles for what seems like hours (to be fair it usually is hours) whilst they moan about their white privilege being stained.

And the humour from non racists is sooooo much better than ‘3 men walked in to a bar…’ or ‘a plane is going to crash and…’.

So if you see or hear a racist in Sainsbury’s (or anywhere else for that matter) take a pic/video and paste it all over social media with what they said/did.

I usually feel the urge to buy some soap but less so today.

Penny Lane

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