Prime Minister,
The Miller row is, according to the press, disrupting Conservative chances in the European elections. That’s a good reason for we who rely upon the protections that Europe affords to us to be cheerful. I do hope that you will not sack Maria Miller, because the expenses scandal that she has produced would be additionally handy for those who increasingly threaten to displace your party in government, come May 2015. We could then be cheerful again – cheerful verging on the ecstatic, actually.
I suppose we should thank Mrs Miller, though, for finally forcing you to tighten up on expenses security, because without the public kerfuffle that has broken out over her historic claims, it is reasonable to doubt that you would have done anything at all. The smiles are growing more pronounced out here.
Then, of course, there’s the matter of Remploy – the deliberate and malicious consignment of formerly hard-working disabled people to the horrors of the sanctions regime by removing the jobs in which they were able to hold up their heads and claim honestly to be giving something back to the nation in exchange for the benefits and care they receive. That was a crime against humanity, as well as being a complete rebuttal of your government’s claimed commitment to “hard-working people,” and the Ministerial protection under which it was carried out is the only thing that protected the former Minister for Disabled People from just retribution. Removing her ministerial privileges now would leave her open to that retribution a year ahead of the time when she would otherwise need to deal with it. Practically grinning now.
Of course, another reason for keeping her in post is that it will provide a distraction away from the fact that the Americans have just discovered a way to use sea-water as fuel, meaning that there is now a way for all power stations to be run without the need for fossil fuels, nuclear isotopes, or even the capricious wind-flows over the United Kingdom. Eventually it is likely that all road vehicles could be fuelled by this breakthrough technology too, meaning that all reliance upon fossil fuels will cease. That, of course, means that fracking is no longer necessary and that, I expect, is not going to please the likes of Browne or Osborne. Plus, of course, the housing market will crash in spectacular fashion as all the oil sheikhs scramble desperately to offload their property “investments” in London. Should be fun to watch. I’m getting into LOL territory here…
Let’s face it, you know that you and your cronies have only the remainder of this Parliamentary term to stuff as much public cash in your back pockets as you can, before your money-grubbing will have to end again – hopefully forever, although I would settle for another thirteen years as a decent minimum. Your flog-off policies are now under attack too, as even your own grass-roots people are now agreeing with Thatcher that the railways were “a privatisation too far.” I wonder how long it will be before that re-nationalisation leads to the retraction into public ownership of the energy companies, which would only benefit from the sea-water fuelling opportunity that the Americans have now provided? It will be interesting to see how long it takes before the parcelling out of the NHS comes to be recognised for the gross stupidity that it has been. considering that you have been warned from all sides that such would become the public view in the course of time, the temptation to ROFL is growing stronger and stronger.
Darren Lynch–finance.html