If you have never heard of Jordan Peterson then do not stress. He is a so called academic looking for ways to appeal to populist rhetoric and makes loads of dosh. He appeals to those who rail against deep thought and want offal on a plate.
Let me introduce you:
No need to go over old ground. Intellectuals and proper thinkers can point out the countless flaws in his arguments sometimes instantaneously and this appears to be becoming much more normal. Let us take his latest flourish and how foolish yet again his pronouncements look.

Here he takes a part of a study out of context to fool his followers and supporters and then comes up against someone who checkmates him in 2 moves. Brilliant for the enlightenment but not so clever for the non thinker’s psychologist.
Not only that but his new book being published by Penguin Random House has been met by strong criticism by the publisher’s own employees according to Vice News:
“He is an icon of hate speech and transphobia and the fact that he’s an icon of white supremacy, regardless of the content of his book, I’m not proud to work for a company that publishes him…”
“The company since June has been doing all these anti-racist and ally ship things and them publishing Peterson’s book completely goes against this. It just makes all of their previous efforts seem completely performative…”
And those people who disagree with him? He advocates violence.

And as for his actual free speech credentials?

To summarise, he appeals to the far right, non thinkers and supports violence when people disagree with his version of free speech.
Isnt this the guy who has just come out of rehab again ? https://nypost.com/2021/01/31/jordan-peterson-says-he-was-suicidal-addicted-to-benzos/ so maybe not the best person to get advice from or take any notice at all really 🙂