In November 2014, Southwell Smiley Faces Pre-School and Out of School Club on Portland were invited to use a Nature Area belonging to IPACA Southwell Campus to develop a Forest School provision for early years learning. The Southwell Smiley Faces team cleared the site, which had not been accessed by the school for several years, and was overgrown and unsafe for children, and created a wildlife haven and outdoor classroom. It was awarded the best Wildlife Friendly Garden in the Community Category by Dorset Wildlife Trust in July 2016.
IPACA Southwell Campus has vacated the site and the whole area, including the Nature Area, which is being sold for housing development. Southwell Smiley Faces is doing all it can to retain control of the small area and already has the backing of local councillors, Richard Drax MP, The Gardens Group and Dorset Wildlife Trust.
In an effort to support our case and help to gain data to present to the council, we would be delighted if you could complete this short questionnaire and forward it to anyone else who you feel would support our campaign.
The questionnaire can be accessed via the following link:
Many thanks
Jen Whyton (Manager)