Prime Minister,

One thing that all but a few people in this country realise is that when a scheme is mooted by a government, it usually becomes reality within the space of five years.  So, it is reasonable to expect, then, that people exercising their democratic right to protest in future will be faced with chemical weapons.  Don’t try and say it won’t happen – you will only be insulting our intelligence.  Look at tazers – originally only to be used as a last resort by police, they have become, as was forewarned at the time, an easy option and have been used in all manner of operations, including the disarming of a blind man of his white stick!  So, it follows that the use of chemical incapacitants will NOT be limited to riot control, and that police will be reaching for them at the slightest provocation.

There’s a message going around the social media at the moment, which is entirely correct in stating that if a government finds it necessary to use armed force to enact its policies, then its arguments in favour of those policies are invalid.  We are seeing this at fracking sites at the moment, and we’ve seen it at demonstrations involving severely disabled people.

If you arm the police against the people in this way, the people will be fully within our rights to arm ourselves against the proven defenders of a hopelessly corrupt regime.  It is that simple, and there is no argument against it whatsoever because every individual has the natural right to survival, and the further right to insure that survival through whatever means prove necessary.  Your speculations about chemical incapacitants, therefore, will breed violence of a kind never before seen on Britain’s streets.  Public support for, and trust in, the police will evaporate faster than the petrol from a spilled Molotov cocktail and no copper, or copper’s family, away from the protection of bullying mates, will ever be safe in their own homes, at school, in the local supermarkets… anywhere.  Northern Ireland should have proved that to your Party and Parliament a long time ago.


Darren Lynch

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