As Navitus Bay critics continue to challenge Government subsidies for renewables the South East  Dorset Green Party  welcomed the request for disclosure on how much the public will have to pay to support nuclear energy. 
As Navitus Bay critics continue to challenge Government subsidies for renewables the South East  Dorset Green Party  welcomed the request for disclosure on how much the public will have to pay to support nuclear energy.
MPS are calling for the disclosure of full details of the proposed deal being negotiated between the Government and EDF Energy over a guaranteed price for electricity generated by planned new nuclear power stations
The cross-party group, which includes Simon Hughes, deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, and Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP and member of the Parliamentary Environmental Audit Committee, say the public costs involved may be considerable and it is only right they are exposed to public scrutiny.
Alan Whitehead, a member of the Commons Select Committees on Energy and Climate Change, said because of commercial confidentiality there was likely to be very limited public access to the details once the deal had been agreed by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).

  Mr Whitehead said it was possible the outcome of the negotiations will be subject to an inquiry into whether European Union state aid legislation has been contravened.  There was  also a concern that UK taxpayers and energy consumers would be locked into a 35-40 year contract.   “Therefore, in the context of openness, fiscal and regulatory accountability, and best value for the UK taxpayer and energy consumer – it seems reasonable to suggest that these negotiations should be subject to an in-depth and timely review,” he said.
 Helen Woodall,  Secretary of SEDGP said, “Britain has abundant marine energy resources and should be a world leader in developing expertise.  The proposed offshore wind park could provide power for nearly  800,000 homes as well as jobs locally and show our youngsters we are serious about investing in a safer, cleaner future.  Dangerous climate change, set to get much worse, is already changing our weather patterns and threatening tourism locally.
  ” MPs should back a 2030 clean power target in the Energy Bill to tackle climate change, create green jobs and provide affordable energy rather than turning to  risky and expensive nuclear.”

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