This year, at the SWDMCN annual general meeting there will be a fascinating talk from Nigel Costley,South West TUC Regional Secretary,entitled ‘Talking about Immigration in the South West’.
We take for granted our freedom to travel. The way populations change brings the richness of diversity but can unsettle people. We need to address the fears with facts and the problems with solutions. The issues of immigration, and population are hotly debated and effect how people are treated at work and in our communities.
This talk will discuss common beliefs and scare stories around migrants. Nigel will present facts and figures in an interactive and graphic way to show the population picture, with a focus on the South West. It will bridge the gulf between how we think the South West is made up and how it really is.
The AGM is free for anyone to attend and is being held on Thursday the 21stMay at the Town Hall in Dorchester (upstairs from the Corn Exchange) from 6pm-8pm.
The event is free to attend and the SWDMCN will provide complementary refreshments including a delicious Thai finger buffet.