A new independent news source is emerging on social media, where many of the well known political groups and bloggers are joining forces to create a super group!
Recently Facebook changed it’s algorithms to make it less likely to see political content in your news feed in preference for family / community based news. If you weren’t aware of this and would still like to keep abreast of current affairs from truly independent sources, then we highly recommend you request to join this group today.
On a personal level we are very excited to have just become a part of this movement, it’s great to see an umbrella being put over what is a huge online network of social media pages. Imagine how much credence can be earned on a national level when lots of little brands pull together to create something big? We hope this will re-enforce the message that regular people do have a way to feel represented in the media. The MSM no longer just reports the news, it’s delivers a narrative you are expected to swallow. Don’t allow this to be your only window into politics. Look further and you will see a much different picture than the one they paint for you.
Wear Red