A case study.
The year is 2020. It is now 10 years and four months since Gordon Brown’s Labour Party were in government. In that time the national debt has rocketed under three Conservative Prime Ministers and many more Conservative Chancellor’s. What has happened in those years…?
Well according to James Cleverley the last ten years have been about mopping up a mess. What with? Creosote and Agent Orange?
Let’s have a look at this clearing up process in a little more detail.
National Debt
This has happened:

Does this look like 10 years well spent mending a problem from before 2010? Does it look like a competent response? I say emphatically ‘NO’ but no doubt some will see this economic armageddon as an improvement.
What can we conclude from this economic destruction? That austerity did not work and that it actually made things much, much worse.
Not that Mr Clevereley would agree given his record.
This one is easy. The UK is now more divided than it has been for a very long time. Across communities there is division whether from referendum results i.e Scottish and the EU or from diseases i.e Covid-19. Whereas politicians used to use war with other countries to unite against an imaginary foe now they have the population of the UK at war with each not seen since the days of Cromwell.
Is this repairing the country Mr Cleverley? Possibly if your name is Fred West or Dr Frankenstein but it would be a stretch even then.
Leaving the EU
When asked a simple question Mr Cleverley, it is sometimes best to remember that contradicting yourself in the same minute tends to be picked up by the vast majority which is why the support for Boris Johnson and his government looks like an elephant tripping over a waterfall. Of course the data will be manipulated or some will regurgitate the corporate media. However, those who can actually think for themselves are turning the other way in droves.
Lies and hypocrisy
It is not even fun catching these people out now. It is so easy. The frustrating part is that many of us find it easy and yet many others find it challenging. Therein lies the problem as to why we have so much cruelty within one government.
And James Cleverley there is no better place to finish than here:
When Margaret Thatcher was asked what she regarded as her greatest achievement, she is said to have replied: “New Labour”.
Yes the very same New Labour that you are ‘repairing the country’ from. Ironic eh? Hypocritical eh? Nonsense eh?
James Finlayson