The suspension just now of Jeremy Corbyn from the Labour Party is a turning point.

It shows just how right many of us were to say that Keir Starmer would go further, more quickly and more ruthlessly in destroying the left than many on the Labour left thought.

This is in the context of the pandemic and of rising tensions in the Tory government. But this is the moment he chooses to go to all out war with the left. The time to rally is now. The left needs to come together in flat opposition and to defend Corbyn.

That also means saying flatly that we will build outside of Labour and not be constrained within it.

Every left MP should repeat Corbyn’s response to this witch-hunt whatever the threats from the Labour bosses. I’m not surprised by the news, to be honest. I was surprised by how many people discounted this possibility a few months ago.

Kevin Ovendon


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  1. I’m so glad you used that image. KEIR STARMER IS A FUCKING COP, he sent a black man to prison for 16 MONTHS for stealing an ice cream during a riot. The riot only happened because a cop SHOT A BLACK MAN DEAD IN THE STREETS OVER NOTHING. Keir Starmer treated the rioters with more disdain that Mark Duggans murderer. Drag this racist POS through the mud and don’t stop until he’s a completely broken shell of a man. Destroy his psychology until there is nothing left.

    Keir Starmer
    Cyclist Harmer

    What a fucking useless twat he is.