Join this unusual social swim event this Saturday at 11am at Greenhill beach chalets. Weymouth Bay Sea Swimmers CIC first occupied the old lifeguard station in late 2016 and since then have turned it into the best and easiest to use self-access sea swimming changing and warm up facility in the South West.
The swimmers’ board have been trying to find a solution to the question of the term of a new agreement to use it and we wish to show people locally that there is a strong community of swimmers who need this facility badly.
The sea swim centre has been used by hundreds of swimmers since it opened and is financially sustainable. Swimmers of all abilities and ages use it all year round. Including world record breaking Channel swimmer Linda Ashmore and marathon Jurassic Coast swimmer Fay Edgar who both recently used the hut to train for their incredible feats of endurance.

But the hut is not just for ultra-swim athletes it is also for social swimmers and many use it as part of their well-being and mental health routine to treat chronic conditions such as anxiety and depression. Experienced winter swimmers also give talks to local NHS well-being practitioners to advise on the increasing prescribed benefits of cold water swimming.
We are concerned that the new landlord, called Greenhill Community Trust CIC, might not appreciate how important the hut actually is in this community. The hut serves the community and the community benefits from it hugely. Come and join the Weymouth Bay Sea Swimmers this Saturday at 11am on Greenhill Beach. All ages and abilities welcome! The Facebook event can be found here:
Jason West