What is genuinely heartwarming at the moment, is seeing the general reaction of the UK population to those ‘libertarian’ ar**holes demanding teachers return to work, and that we lift the lockdown in order to save a completely failed and demonstrably broken economic system…and The People saying “No. F**k you, YOU risk your lives for us first, then we’ll see how things go…” Fantastic. From the city of Liverpool to the British Medical Association standing in solidarity with teachers and their unions, this is genuinely brilliant & inspiring to see.

People are, finally, realising in huge numbers that those calling for us to potentially sacrifice our lives in order to save their billions, *genuinely* do not care if you live or die. They absolutely, genuinely would rather a few hundred thousand more die in order to restart mass inequality. These things that those on the left have pointed out for many years, are now being felt and seen first-hand by millions. These things are no longer abstract to millions of people. Before anyone jumps into to criticise, remember, the UK government were initially happy to allow up to 250,000 UK citizens to die, in order to “keep the economy going”. It is only after major criticism that this strategy changed. It was, LITERALLY, only after enough people listened to the medical professionals, front line workers, scientists and other experts by NOT shutting up and LOUDLY demanding change, that it happened.

Which is why, although I know good intentions were behind it, I am happy that I, and millions of others, reminded people the only ones making it political we’re the government. Not those dying and trying to prevent people dying. Rather than those who said “now is not the time to criticise…etc” when, quite literally, 99% of the aforementioned were begging us to keep shouting loudly and criticising. Because it worked. It is why I said it was incredibly unpatriotic to NOT make such demands. Again, I do not say I cared/care more for people than those who said to be quiet and let them get on with it. TBC. But I am saying thank f**k there were more of us than you, who heeded the call of those begging us to keep saying these things. THANK F**k we listened to those asking, rather than those who thought it was a mistake to make such demands.

It is very, very rare I go down the “we told you so route”, but as the consequence is that tens of thousands of lives have been saved, that even their own media is turning on them, that the international media has turned on them en masse, ditto experts, medical professionals, they are haemorrhaging public support at a truly incredible rate…now is the time to show humility, and PLEASE join us in saving lives. Do not shut up. Shutting up costs lives. Factually. Speak out, save lives, do NOT shut up. Do your duty as a citizen and protect your loved ones. Apathy & pride will cost more lives. So, step up. Loudly & proudly defend our loved ones and those who care for us all. This is no time for shrinking violets or being too embarrassed about your previous support for this sh*tshow. Let us have an ‘amnesty’ and welcome those who have the humility to join us.

THANK YOU to essential workers everywhere. Solidarity with all!

Adam Samuels

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