No not a bear but a dog from Dorset. A naughty dog who went a wandering for nine days and then returned home to mummy and his adoring family. Not to Peru but Canford Magna (between Wimborne and Poole).

Paddington’s mum Bethany Paine takes up the happy ending to his wanderings:


I am Absolutely overwhelmed to tell you all that Paddington is home!!!! He finally handed himself in. There was numerous sightings of him this morning where he’s been camping out and then he obviously checked the weather for tonight and decided to cross a busy main road and head into Candford Magna garden centre for a coffee. Thankyou SO SO much to the two heroes who cornered him and lured him in with food. His tail is wagging and he has been to the vets for a thorough check over. Next is a big rest and lots of food and as soon as he’s ready off to Els grooming parlour cause he is stinkkking (he has a friend for life there).

On reflection Paddington rates his experience 9/10 on trip advisor. Losing a few marks for the poor quantity and quality of food. But on a serious note. I cannot honestly believe the help, support, donations and love paddy myself my family and our trusted search team Els, Peter, Heidi, Paul, Mark, Sarah and my sister Katrina Rose Paine who made this page and help me in so many ways I love you!

You have all kept us going for 8 days we are all full of cold and very tired but wow a glass is to be raised tonight. I will be posting what Paddington’s donations will be going towards I promise you they will not be wasted but first I need to hug my baby extra tight and be grateful for you all sending him home to me with ur thoughts. Perhaps a meet and greet when the baby has rested and filled up on treats!?


Please ignore my belly and how tired I look! I rushed out that door and didn’t pull my top down….’

And some reflections from family friend Els Townings:

‘I would just like to make a personal post in reflection to Paddington’s recent ‘escapades’ I’m sure you have all followed since Boxing Day and today after 9 days of torture for the owners and those involved he was found.

Firstly I’d just like to say that I for one have lost faith in humanity over the years but wow 9.8k people coming together with prayers for one Puppy has restored my faith in human beings.

Being there hour for hour for Beth, Paddington’s owner has aged me by about 35 years but I cannot tell you how much it was worth to me. All I want to say is the power of selfless individuals who care deeply for strangers in a time of desperation is over whelming. From those who leafleted, to those who went out walking the heath for hours, to the constant messages of uplifting support and love and the extremely generous donations.

Some days we were all so drained from covering miles and miles and feeling deflated at no sightings, no sleep etc and without those people in our messages we would struggled to have kept spirits high. I have made friends for life from this experience and they deserve a mention. Firstly, Beth for her resilience and dedication to finding Paddington I promise to look after you and Paddington forever.

Secondly to Peter Hawkins for his fountain of knowledge and dedication, sitting for entire nights on the heath with next to no sleep, Heidi for joining us full heartedly and helping Beth get from A to B and keeping spirits high, to Mark and Sarah who got to the heath at 8am for the last 4 days with their thermal drone to check Paddington’s whereabouts, To Mark the heath ranger who allowed us to keep a truck on the heath and yesterday suffered a severe injury from the large gates (wishing you a speedy recovery) and too Paul our superman with all the gear, the truck, the on truck toilet, the digestive biscuits and a whole lot of dedication, Maria and Katrina Beth’s sisters who have been our Facebook admin queens all hours of everyday. There are so many others I’d like to mention including Mike from the Crematorium who got out every morning checking the grounds and offered hot drinks between funerals.

And to each and everyone of you who I have personally been in contact with and arranged spot checks and walking on the heath ( you know who you are) I honestly believe in the power of thoughts and every single person on the Facebook page brought Paddington home.

Lastly to the two super heroes Daniel Bartlett and Tom Keniston who spotted Paddington dash across the road into the garden centre and pursued him till they caught him. Just another selfless act that if they had driven on could have ended very differently for the boy.

I know how invested you have all been and that means the world to Beth and her family but also to our dedicated search team. Please raise your glass this evening to Paddington Bear who after 9 days of rain wind and open heathland he had never been on before in his 7 months on earth made it home safely into the arms of his loving family.’

For anyone who lost a pet and is on Facebook check out your local page.

If anyone has lost a human let us hope the community respond similarly.

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