A Brexit Party MEP really sent this tweet out. Yes really.
Why has she gone so early for the award? Oh yes because she will be irrelevant in less than a fortnight apart from her day job as the managing director of BFP Eastern Ltd, fish market auctioneers who operate in Lowestoft.
Attending the penultimate session of the #EuropeanParliament’s #FisheriesCommittee #PECHcommittee) with #BritishMEPs. The big question now is, who will be here to hold these people to account while they still control Britain’s waters, but the UK has no representation? pic.twitter.com/5gB2fKHYu9
— June Mummery (@june_mummery) January 20, 2020
Penny Lane
Your banner photo is of Lucy Harris, Green MEP, not June Mummery.
* correction to my correction: Harris was also a Brexit Party MEP.