The Blue Heron By Howard Moore (serialised) Part 16


Chapter 20 Doing the Deal

Just the same as on their previous visit to see Mr. Gant, both Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo were dressed in their best clothes and nervous, as they sat in Billy-Bobs pickup outside Mr. Gants office Cuzn Luke pulled in behind them and parked. That was a relief to both of them because Cuzn Luke had a much better way with words and it was in his interest that they got the help of Mr. Gant so that he as a partner profited from their new business, that is if they had their zoning application approved.

With Cuzn Luke at their side Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo strode with confidence off of the street through the shiny wooden front door and into the reception area of Mr Gant’s offices. They stopped at the reception desk and Cuzn Luke told the receptionist that they had an appointment with Mr. Gant; she made a brief telephone call then told them that Mr. Gant was waiting and that his office was at the end of the long corridor. They walked along the long corridor as directed and stopped outside Mr. Gant’s office. Billy Bob, knocked politely, and on hearing,

”Please Come in.”

Opened the door and gestured for Mary-Jo and Cuzn Luke to enter.

As before Mr. Gant was seated behind his enormous desk in his large leather chair, he stood as they entered and asked them to take a seat at his desk. Three chairs had already been placed opposite the enormous expanse of polished Walnut to sit on, so as invited they took up their seats.

“Good morning to you all and how can I be of assistance?”

Mr Gant enquired.

Cuzn Luke cleared his throat and began, he described in detail what Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo wanted to do with their business, he described their history of Alligator farming and made it clear that he was also to be a partner in the venture, Mary-Jo interjected the odd comment or nodded in agreement as before and Billy-Bob sat silently in the middle of the three nodding in agreement to every point made. Again as before Mr. Gant scribbled some notes, but as Cuzn Luke continued talking he began to tire of their presence and his mind began to wander. He was only brought back to the present by the mention of money. Cuzn Luke had asked what the financial arrangements would be as he was providing the initial investment.

“Ah fees.”

Mr Gant acknowledged he liked talking about money; money was the driving force behind his corrupting and devious enterprise. In parrot fashion he ran through the fee structure that he would employ. These terms were different from what he had initially told Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo, this was their second visit and now they came with an investor; Mr. Gant sensed money and in accordance with his senses increased his fees.

“To engage my services will mean an initial four thousand dollars. We can then visit you to help you write out your application, fill in the appropriate forms and then advise you how to proceed.

He paused for a moment before continuing.

“From what you have initially stated as to your situation and requirements for assistance I would estimate that if everything runs smoothly we are looking at a bill of between ten to fifteen thousand dollars………, If needed over and above that, we work on an hourly basis of one hundred and fifty dollars  for my or a partners time and thirty five dollars for one of our office juniors per hour, plus expenses, and twenty two dollars per letter written, of course you will receive a copy of all correspondence.”

All three of them, Cuzn Luke, Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo were dumbfounded, momentarily put off course by this sudden and unexplained rise in the cost of engaging Mr. Gant to act for them.

“May we have a moment?”

Cuzn Luke asked of Mr. Gant before standing and ushering the other two out into the corridor. In hushed tones they discussed what to do. Billy-Bob was incensed by the increase, but Cuzn Luke was more pragmatic. To oil the wheels of bureaucracy obviously had a cost and Mr. Gants initial estimate was based on the story Mary-Jo had given when they first tried to engage Mr. Gants services. The detail Cuzn Luke had given and the description of its operation and potential success had obviously convinced Mr. Gant that they were serious. Also as Mary-Jo whispered, the fact that they had an investor made the project a real prospect in Mr. Gants eyes, so he had given them a realistic price to get all the appropriate zoning approvals and certificates they needed to set up their alligator farm.

“If that’s the price then that’s it, but Auh’ll do muh best to nee-gosheate us a deal.”

Cuzn Luke said under his breath then with a wink and nod of his head he tapped on the office door an entered, gesturing for Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo to follow. They both held back a little as they realised their future hopes and dreams rested on the next five minutes or so of discussion and both wondered where Cuzn Luke was going to find the thousands of dollars needed.

Cuzn Luke sat forward in his chair and leant against the polished wood of the desk with his elbow, resting his stubbled chin in his right palm, he stared Mr. Gant straight in the eye.

“Well Mr, Gant we are at a bit of, as they say…, an In-pass here, what with yourne pricesAuh feel like Auh’ve bin chewed up an spat out.”

He paused for a moment still starting straight into the eye of Mr. Gant who returned the stare with a pleasant unruffled smile on his face. Cuzn Luke continued.

“As Auh sees it yourne prices are over an above double what youze said to theyem two only the other week or so. We is aiming to get yourne help an have us a deal with yuh,.”

He paused again before slamming his right hand down hard on the desk which made both Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo jump in their seats and Mr. Gant loose the staring competition and blink. Mr. Gant shifted uncomfortably in his chair as Cuzn Luke continued this time in a slower and slightly more menacing voice.

 “Arncha aiming to do us a deal here an now?…… Auh’s a little bit addled with yourne pricing an all an need yuh help, cawse Auh sure ain’t gonna beg yuh for it.

Mr. Gant nervously coughed, straightened his tie and fiddled with the paperwork in front of him on his desk, after a moment he looked up at the three of them and spoke.

”The pricing that has been arrived at has taken into account all of the detailed requirements that you have just provided me with, these are over and above the information that you, dear lady.”

He said as he nodded towards Mary-Jo,

“Kindly provided me with some weeks ago………., Now that I understand fully your requirement and that you are serious about this endeavor and have attained an investor. “

He said with a nod towards Cuzn Luke,

 “Then using my experience in my field of work and based upon the work that will be required to be completed and the meetings that I will need to arrange with local government official……., and all of the appropriate documentation and legal matters that I will need to attend to get you your zoning consents and certification then the price that I quoted to you is at the maximum end of the spectrum………..”

He pause for a quick breath and continued quickly on before the razor witted Cuzn Luke could interrupt.

“If you are able to make a down payment today of lets say three thousand dollars with an agreement that to facilitate the outcome you all want the charge will be a minimum of ten thousand dollars and at the highest a maximum of fifteen thousand dollar………..,  I’m sure that with my expert knowledge and negotiation skills that we will all be able to celebrate the opening of your new business in the spring of next year.

“Do yuh thank it’s so?….Auh’s fixin to ex-splode!”

Shouted Mary-Jo who promptly jumped up from her chair, raced around the big shiny desk and planted a big wet kiss firmly on Mr. Gants cheek. Mr. Gant always a stippler for manners and appropriate behaviour recoiled in horror taking a large white linen handkerchief out of his breast pocket. He attempted to wipe away the ruby red lip marks from his cheek smearing it in the process so half his face appeared to be in drag.

“See-it yuhsel down woman!” 

Billy-Bob said sternly, she turned and looked at him with a look of utter confusion on her face,’whats wrong with me being happy’, she thought to herself.

 “Darlin Auh knows yourne hotter than donut grease at a fat man convention, but this ain’t the time or place to be a foolin around an a spectable man like Mr.Gant here is not wantin yuh red ol’lips anywhere ne-ar his best bib and tucker.”

Billy-Bob quickly added trying to placate her a little, she stood momentarily scowling at both him and Cuzn Luke.

“C’mon Mary-Jo sit yuhsel back down, Auh’s sweatin like a whore in church an we needs tuh finalize the deal.”

Cuzn Luke said calmly, motioning for Mary-Jo to sit down. Now that he knew Mr. Gant was interested in doing business he could start to negotiate a more realistic deal and hopefully the three of them could walk out the door with Mr. Gant as a much needed advisor and greaser of the  wheels of local government.

“Now Mr. Gant.”

Began Cuzn Luke once more, this time in a gentler and soothing voice.

 “We is all Mercan here an the most awflest thing would be walkin out with no deal done an havin tuh go find anotha agent like yuhsel so here is what Auh’m proposing , Auh’ll give yuh yourne down payment of thuh-ree thousan dollars right now as I brung it along an we will settle on a minimum of seven thousan dollars and a maximum of nine thousan dollars for the delivery of ourne zoning papers an certificates an all…..”

He paused to let his offer sink in.

“Mmm I see you are a hard man to do a deal with…., I can see that and I can also see that you are all determined to get your business up and running.., but there is much work to be done…. If you have the cash on you now and will agree to a minimum of eight thousand dollars with a maximum of eleven thousand dollars then I think we can have a deal.”

With a confident smile across his face Mr. Gant sat back in his chair and  twiddled his pen around in-between his fingers.

“If youze make the maximum ten thousan dollars then yuh got yuhsel a deal.”

Cuzn Luke said in reply to the offer. Mary-Jo fidgeted in her seat and scanned Mr. Gants face for any sign of agreement while he sat in his plush leather armchair silently contemplating the offer. Billy-Bob sat motionless willing Mr. Gant to agree, hoping that Cuzn Luke had not overdone things and annoyed Mr. Gant, but to his and Mary-Jo’s surprise Mr. Gant clapped his hands together and said

”We have a deal.”

He stood up and shook Cuzn Luke’s hand then Billy-Bobs but was not quick enough to escape the clutches of Mary-Jo who once again flung her arms around him and planted the second ruby red kiss on his cheek. She then proceeded to jump and dance around the office hollering and shrieking to such an extent that Mr. Gant rose from his chair and closed his office window that opened out onto the main street of town. As he returned to the comfort of his chair Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo were doing some strange jerky dance together around and around the office, he threw Cuzn Luke a questioning glance.

“They is just happy’n all.”

Cuzn Luke replied with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.

“Happy, Auh is as happy as a pup with two tails…….this sure is great news……the best we had  in months………., Auh gonna getp lum lickerd up tonight.”

Shouted Billy-Bob as he jigged around the office with a still shrieking Mary-Jo.

Mr.Gant stood up and cleared his throat loudly.

” Ladies, Gentlemen, please take your seats we still have some more business to conduct, a contract to sign and arrangements to make.”

He gestured to Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo to return to their seats, which they did after another step or two and sat down like a couple of naughty children, giggling and pinching and poking each other.

Mr.Gant opened a draw to his side and pulled out  a number of different documents and placed them in front of Cuzn Luke, Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo.

“These documents are what we need to fill in and have signed today, and this form is for you to fill in at home and post or bring back in person to me.”

He said pointing to two different piles of papers, so as not to waste any further time and be rid of these characters as soon as he physically could, Mr. Gant quickly proceeded to explain the contents of the documents and what they meant.

The first was a contract of engagement which identified Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo as customers of Mr.Gant who had procured his services and that of his associates to act on their behalf as agents to help secure the required zoning approvals and certification. This was to allow them to develop the land adjacent to Lake Cavelier, on the outskirts or Lokchapi for the purposes of constructing and running an alligator farm. It identified the amount of the initial down payment, the maximum fee liable and extra hourly fees for his or associates time and the cost of any letter writing.

The second document which he filled in once Cuzn Luke handed over three thousand dollars in crisp one hundred dollar bills was the receipt for the initial down payment.

The third document which required exact detailing  and took some twenty minutes to complete was  the zoning application itself. Mr. Gant asked the questions and filled in the information in the appropriate boxes on the form. The information was firstly Billy-Bob and Mary Jo’s personal details, names, ages address and occupations, what was to be built, how big in square yardage, what was the use of each building planned to be, how busy was the business going to be, what was the proposed turnover of the business, what was the history of the current business, where was the current business residing ,who owned the land of the proposed development site, the name and contact details of their architect and the name and contact details of their business accountant. They told Mr. Gant that they had yet to appoint a professional architect but Mary-Jo had taken some time and with research, she had drawn up an initial set of drawings that she had in her bag with her when asked by Mr.Gant she handed them over. Mr. Gant accepted these initial plans and drawings and to his utter surprise found that they were of a high standard and would be good enough for the purposes of the zoning application. The business accounts however was a little bit of a problem as they did not currently have a business in operation and they had never engaged an accountant, Mary-Jo had done the book keeping for the business in the past but those basic annual accounts were two and a half years old.

At First Mary-Jo tried to bluster through the questions about their business accounts and their accountant but it soon became obvious to Mr.Gant that something was up and he was not getting to the truth with Mary-Jo.

“Now look here…Um.. Mary-Jo, for me to be able to act for you I need to know all of the details and you need to be truthful with me…… Do you have a current business and secondly  do you have any accounts and an accountant?”

Mary-Jo-s cheeks flushed deep red, she hung her head forward and looked down to her feet.”


She mumbled,

“Got nuthin……. least not nuthin that ain’t over two years old.”

Still staring at her feet she fiddled with a strand of hair nervously, Billy-Bob broke out into a cold sweat and looked for help from Cuzn Luke.

“Mr. Gant, Auh’s sure we kin get all this countin arranged.”

Cuzn Luke interjected in an effort to calm Mary-Jo’s nerves and help get past the awkward moment.

“Now that I am in possession of all of the facts I am sure that we can deliver a set of accounts for a current business that you run.”

Replied Mr. Gant  with a sly smile.

“For a small fee of lets say, seven hundred and fifty dollars I would be able to have a business contact of mine provide all of the relevant business accounting documentation that you require, that is of course Mary-Jo if you can provide me with your prior home made business accounts…… even if they are a few years old we can use that as a basis for a set of current accounts.”

“Thadtdog will hunt.”

Cuzn Luke said banging the desk with his fist, now it was clear to him that if required Mr.Gant would operate in devious and cunning ways and obviously had the contacts to get things done, he sat back in his chair contented.

Mary-Jo looked up from the floor with an embarrassed smile on her face,

 “Thanks Mr. Gant.”

She said rather shyly, immediately looking back down to the floor, she felt a fool for being found out, ‘she should have been straight with Mr. Gant from the off’, she thought to herself as she twiddled with her hair once more. Billy-Bob stayed silent.

“Now this form.”

Mr. Gant said returning to the form to be taken home and filled in by Billy-Bob and Mary-Jo.

“This is all of the detail behind each section that you filled in on the zoning application form, this information is what I need to conduct my negotiations to smooth the path of the zoning application. The sooner you fill it in and returned it to me, then the sooner I can complete the administration of the zoning application for you and attain all of the required support and agreement from local parish and government officials.”

Without looking up he continued on at a pace.

“Finally this form is the proof of land ownership form that you need to fill in and return with the information form, I must stress that the quicker you fill in these forms and return them to me, then the quicker I can get on and get this completed to your satisfaction.”

Mr. Gant paused again for a brief second before continuing.

“Now I also need the fee of two hundred dollars to accompany the zoning application and then we can all sign the contract and that will be that”.

Cuzn Luke retrieved his wallet from an inner pocket of his battered and threadbare jacket and pulled from it a wad of bills. He counted out all of the money required in crisp ten dollar bills,

“Auh hadn’t counted for payin more money but here it all is.”

He said as he laid the bills neatly  on table in front of Mr. Gant. Mr. Gant took them up counted them again, he lay them back down on the desk then filled out a small white receipt from a pad on his desk and handed Cuzn Luke the receipt for the zoning application form payment.

 “Thank You sir, now finally the contract.

He said with a smile.

This was the part Mr. Gant had been eager to get to, once he had established that these people were serous and found out they had an investor, namely Cuzn Luke, then all he needed to do was establish some basic costings with his new clients, fill out the necessary paperwork and get then to sign on the dotted line. This is how he and his co-conspirators in local government made their illicit money. The small print of the contract ran to some eleven pages of A4, all in legal jargon. Buried within this maze of words and clauses sat three mechanisms that would allow him to propel his charges up from the maximum ten thousand dollars to what ever he liked, or whatever he judged his new clients could and would afford.

The first clause made the clients liable for extra unstated payments for any and all work carried out by Mr. Gant and his associates to overcome what was termed “Specific Commercial Issues.” The second made the clients liable for extra unstated payments for any and all work carried out by Mr. Gant and his associates to overcome what was termed “Specific Protected Area Issues.” and the third made the clients liable for extra unstated payments for any and all work carried out by Mr. Gant and his associates to overcome what was termed “Specific Highways Issues.”

From what Mr. Gant had ascertained, his new clients have no current alligator farming operating in Lokchapi that would allow for expansion or any current business accounts, secondly the area of lake shore that they proposed to site their farm was within the boundary of the protected Lake Cavelier State Park of Louisiana. Also the track leading to it ran through the historic and protected conservation area of Lokchapi and was of poor quality, narrow and probably not suitable for a significant increase in traffic. He had all manner of different contracts for different clients with the aim to extract the maximum amount of money out of them from the deal. This of course would be spread between Jeb Clarke, Benjamin Carouse, Clive Meek and Kendrick Toup, between them they were in a position to make any or zoning development application succeed or fail.

It was also necessary at times to oil the wheels of any decision making management groups or committees in the local government zoning offices if any particular zoning application was elevated out of the hands of Jebs team for reasons of complexity, high levels of public objection or by a request from a local politician. For these purposes the four of them had an account that they could all draw against to make any required cash payments. They contributed to this fund on a monthly basis and it was administered my Benjamin Carouse. They ran the account itself like a miniature business with detailed records that were kept in a ledger in Benjamin’s office. He kept a record of what was paid in and what was withdraw, what was paid out and to who, the reason of the payment and he also included dates and locations of payments. They ledger now ran to some seventeen years of information and Benjamin called it their Bible.

As Mary-Jo finished signing the contract and handed it back across the desk Mr. Gant was mentally estimating the amount of money he could extort from these three. He roughly estimated forty thousand dollars would be handed over to him before he had finalised the zoning approval and attained all the required permissions and certification. The location of the proposed farm within the Cavelier State Park of Louisiana was his golden nugget, he would be able to use this as a problem of significance that could jeopardize the whole project. From this he would be able to leverage significant payments to supposedly pay for expensive lawyers who specialised in the zoning developments within sites of special state of national interest. The reality was different as he saw he had three options. The first was that the Cavelier State Park of Louisiana probably would not object to this small scale operation that would not have any ecological effect, he also knew that they were currently facing financial difficulties as state funding had been drastically cut and probably would not have the stomach or purse for a costly legal battle. The second was that there would be no substantial local opposition and the location of the proposed farm on the shores ofLakeCavelierright on the edge of Cavelier State Park of Louisiana would not even be an issue. And finally he knew  and was a personal friend with the Chairman of the Lousiannia Natural Resources Committee, which was the management team at the Lousiannia Office of State Parks that could rubber stamp an approval. The last options was the one that he would only utilize as a last resort as it would cost a considerable sum, from experience he reckoned about ten thousand dollars, which would seriously impact his profits from this engagement. However if there was a serious level of local objection and or the State Park itself objected then he could use his contact to great effect to get a result.

“Finally can I suggest the services of a Mr. Kendrick Toup…, a local lawyer of high repute to look over your land lease holder’s documentation.”

Mr. Gant said as he retrieved a business card of  Mr. Kendrick Toup of Latham Kellar and Bond from a drawer in his desk held it out towards Billy-Bob and Mary Jo.

“That’ll not be needed thanks Mr. Gant as Auh already knows Mr. Toup.”

Cuzn Luke said, Mr. Gant smiled and replaced the business card into his drawer.

 “Billy-Bob did youze brung that camra?…….. Ask Cuzn Luke tuh take ourne picture.”

Mary –Jo said excitedly as she dragged Billy-Bob by his hand round to Mr. Gants side of the desk.

“Sure did.”

He replied as he reached into his baggy denims and pulled out a small compact camera. He threw it over the desk to Cuzn Luke who  took it up and started to prepare for the picture as if he was a professional photographer. Mary-Jo had already draped herself around the tightening shoulders of a seated Mr. Gant and Billy-Bob was leaning in from  the side with a cheesy grin spread wide across his face.

“C’mon Billy-Bob move yourne face in a bit… more…, an some, an Mr. Gant smile…., C’mon we just done a deal an is happy, youze look all sowered an all an so ugly that I think when yuh was born the doctor musta slapped your momma.”

Cuzn Luke said trying to get Mr. Gant to smil,e but without success.

To say Mr. Gant looked tense and frustrated by this unannounced and completely unwanted photo session was an understatement, his face pulled away from the looming red lips of Mary-Jo as she aimed another kiss towards his right cheek. As the flash illuminated the scene, they were captured in time, with Mr. Meek recoiling in horror from the advancing ruby red lips of Mary-Jo and Billy-Bob grinning inanely at the camera with both his thumbs raised.

“Thad’ll do.”

Cuzn Luke said as he turned the camera off.

Chapter 21 Revenge of a Petty man

Jeb Clarke, Aaron Gant, Benjamin Carouse, Clive Meek  and Kendrick Toup were meeting at the end of a dusty track. Mr Toup was not a normal attendee but every once in a while he would be needed and he was scheduled to arrive in two hours. This meeting was being held just off of the Lousianna State highway 10 / US Highway 167, some four miles south east of Ville Platte. It was as they all liked it, secluded, quiet and well away from any prying eyes. Clive was the last to arrive, as usual  he was late and the three other men were leaning up against the side of Jebs car, deep in conversation. As he approached bumping along the dusty track they looked over in his direction, Aaron  held out his wrist and tapped his watch.

“Late again.”

He said in a sarcastic voice as both Jeb and Benjamin looked down at the ground nodding their heads from side to side.

“That boy sure is fulla himself .”

Jeb said with contempt in his voice.

“Head stuck firmly up his own ass……..”

Agreed Benjamin.

As the car rolled up along side them, Jeb was the first to start the verbal assault.

“Well hell if that ain’t the most turquoise faggot car I’ve ever seen in my life.”

He  jeered, smiling at his two friends as he spat out his first venomous comment.

Aaron joined in immediately.

“I bet that must do almost 100 miles an hour…. You know pedal to the metal…. A sure speed machine.”

Clive bristled as the jibes flew in through his window, an unstoppable barrage of abuse, he clenched his hands tightly around the steering wheel and ground his teeth together. Clive’s tormentors giggled like schoolboys at his unease, spurring each other on with each comment.


Benjamin cleared his throat, stepped slightly away from Jeb’s car and straightened his tie, in a very calm and somber tone he continued,

“Can I please kiss your ass sir?”

Jeb burst into a roar of laughter and Aaron raised his right hand to his mouth and tried to stifle his laugh but his heaving shoulders gave the game away.

“You what!!…… You what!!”

Continued Jeb, stoking the fire with another well aimed verbal blow.

By now all three men where holding their sides and laughing uncontrollably.

Clive’s knuckles turned white as his grip tightened on the cheap plastic steering wheel, his cheeks flushed red and his mind was gripped by a spasm of hatred.

“Why don’t you three mother fuckers go fuck yourselves?”

He shouted at them through his open window. That just poured petrol on the fire as they all laughed even harder at Clive’s response. They had achieved just what they had wanted to do by messing with his head, they had thrown the bait out and he had bitten and bitten well, they had caught a big one and reeled him in good and proper.

Clive Jumped out of his car and kicked the dust at them.

“Fuckers!!……..bunch of big pricks!!…… Fuck off!”

He shouted as if he were suffering from an attack of Tourettes syndrome.

“Hey Clive ca-alm yoursel we is only havin some fun with yuhClive.”

Said Jeb in an overdone redneck dialect of a mock apology.

Clive looked down and scuffed his shoes backwards and forwards in the dust.

“Cain’t you jus let it go now.”

He said in frustration still scowling at the ground.

Benjamin looked at his two co-conspirators.

 “That’s enough now ….. We’ve all got business to attend to……, haven’t we Clive?”

Clive looked up from the ground and answered.

“Spoze so.”

Were the only two words that came from his lips before he stared, scowling at the ground again like a scolded schoolboy.

“Well then lets get to it.”

Said Jeb opening his car door and climbing into of the interior. The other three joined him, Jeb started the engine and turned the air-conditioning up to maximum. It was still relatively early but already the temperature was rising fast.

There was much to be discussed, they ran it like a formal business meeting, an agenda, outstanding issues, financial matters, a to do list with names and dates appointed, and with notes being taken by Aaron. They discussed three current zoning applications that were being eased through the approval process using their knowledge and skills to subvert the process to their own ends aided and by the extortionate amounts money provided by the applicants.

They also discussed the Anderson Corporation project and this took up nearly an hour of discussion. Jeb told his colleagues two key facts, the first had been relayed directly to him by Curtis Langford himself only two days earlier in a long telephone call that explicitly forbade him or any of the others to divulge to anyone and he had stressed anyone any connection or knowledge of the Anderson Corporations involvement with the project. Curtis Langford reminded them all via Jeb of the non–disclosure contract that all attendees of the initial site meeting just outside Ville Platte had signed and of the legal consequences that would befall anyone who even hinted at a possible Anderson Corporation link.

From now on the project was being financed, managed and run by a new business called the Akendo Corporation. Curtis had briefly explained that it was for financial and competitive reasons that they were pulling out of the deal and Akendo Corporation was going to deliver the project. Curtis had also stressed that the Akendo Corporation had no connection with Anderson Corporation and any earlier involvement by the Anderson Corporation was to be discounted from all of their thoughts.

Jeb told them that their new contact would be a man called Donald Chadwick who was the CEO of the the Akendo Corporation and that he would be contacting them all soon.

The second key fact Jeb told them all was that his boss, Herbert Mouton had had a lengthy telephone conversation with J.C Kellar, founder and CEO of Latham, Kellar and Bond, who had informed him that he had just been asked by a corporation called Akando to act as legal counsel for the delivery of a very large industrial and residential building project within Evangeline. He had told Jeb that over the course of the coming months Mr. Kellar and his team would need to work closely with the Zoning team based in Spicebridge. He was given Mr Toup’s name as the local lawyer who would be the day to day contact but informed him that a large team was being put together inBaton Rougeto provide all the legal services required for such a large and prestigious project. Jeb also informed them that Herbert had said JC Kellar was going to be personally involved.

They all took this to mean that the project was still on although it was being delivered by a different corporation but that was of no real interest to any of them. As long as it was still going ahead there was a huge amount of money to be made. They all clearly understood that discretion was paramount because none of them wanted to be the one to upset anyone from the Anderson Corporation by talking of their earlier involvement and that they had pulled out.

They all wondered what the real reason was for the Anderson Corporation pulling out of the deal.

Aaron suggested that maybe they were in financial difficulties; Jeb thought that due to all of the differing issues concerning the large area of land that he had already discovered for himself that the Anderson Corporation wouldn’t want to get bogged down and tie up multi millions of dollars having to battle hard to overcome so many land issues to deliver the project.

Benjamin came straight to the point.

“Doesn’t matter the why’s or why not’s cos they’re not involved anymore so lets forget all about them.” The others all nodded in agreement.

It was of interest to them all that the project now being delivered by the Akendo Corporation was having significant legal support to help push it through and their man Kendrick had been named as their liaison, they all concluded that it was to good to be true.

Jeb was just finishing telling them all he had been told so far when he noticed in his rear view mirror dust rising up from back down the track, this must be the arrival of Mr. Toup,’good, right on time’, he thought to himself.

“Kendrick is just arriving it looks like, now lets all forget about  the Anderson Corporation or you’ll be in shit soup….. It’s the Akendo project from here on in.”

Jeb said as he got out of his car to welcome Kendrick.

“Akendo it is then.”

Benjamin repeated as the others nodded in agreement.

Kendrick Toup got into the rear of the car alongside Benjamin and Clive, he greeted everyone in turn before saying.

“I believe I am here to discuss the Akendo project, is that right?”

“Sure is.”

Confirmed Clive and Jeb in unison.

“Well lets get down to it.”

Aaron said, eager to have this business finished as he wanted to get back to Spicebridge and prepare for an evening meeting. They discussed the outline details of the Akendo project between the five of them and identified a number of issues that were likely to cause problems for the project. They listed them as they thought of them and decided that they must priorities them and agree how to deal with each one in succession.

The first and most obvious was the issue of connecting development to the Interstate 49, via the Louisiana State highway 29, the next would be local objections from the inhabitants of Ville Platte who would see their town grow by almost seventy five percent, an influx of approximately six thousand people and the associated increase in local traffic congestion would not be wanted. Then there was the Evangeline Parish Zoning plan that ran through to 2019 which identified development areas and the large area of land to the south east of Ville Platte, either side of the Louisiana State highway 10 / US Highway 167 was not one of them. Sitting almost slap bang in the middle of this piece of land was the Targat Plantation house which used to sit on the edge of twenty eight thousand acres of cotton fields. It still had its slave’s quarters which were two roomed wooden cabins with dirt floors, these were not raised up on brick piers like some where, each had a front and back door and a window in the side wall of the cabin with wooden planks for beds raised above the floor by some eighteen inches. These buildings were significant because they are the very rare surviving examples of a once common antebellum building style which has all but disappeared from the state. The main Plantation house with Italianate and Gothic influences was finished in 1828 the smaller but still impressive overseer’s house in conjunction with the slave’s quarters and an assortment of stables, smith’s yards, barns and other outbuildings formed an important piece of local history that was a conservation site of state importance. They all agreed this was a significant problem, not only the plantation buildings themselves which now resided upon only eleven acres of land, but also its setting in the landscape. Aaron announced that he had already discovered information that three endangered species had been identified by the US Fisheries and Wildlife Service as having habitats in the area and therefore were protected by the Endangered Species Act. The animals in question were the Ivory Billed Woodpecker, the Louisiana Pine Snake and the Pallid Sturgeon. The edge of the proposed site also encroached into the edge of a long leaved pine forest which made up part of the LA Black Bear (Ursus americanus luteolus) corridor which was a statewide effort to establish bear travel corridors connecting remnant bear populations from northeast Louisiana to central and southern Louisiana.

Jeb scratched his chin and let out a sigh

”Gentleman I think we have got our work cut out on this one, I propose that we  await the call from Donald Chadwick then arrange to meet again to specifically discuss this project…. If we play our cards right we could make a heck of a lot of money here….. This is big and I mean big business and if we can ease the wheels with our wit, knowledge and contacts then we will be paid handsomely for doing that.”

They all agreed and Clive asked if that was all, his attention span had never been that great and he was tiring of all the talk.

“Yes everything that concerns Mr Toup”

Aaron said.

“Ah yes…. Well I’ll be on my way then, thank you gentlemen and I look forward to working with you all again soon.”

 With that he opened the car door and got out, he closed the door behind him and walked over to his car.

Aaron cleared his throat,

 “It’s just one more item but very interesting and will need all of us if it is to succeed.”

He paused while he retrieved a file from his briefcase and then continued.

“This came to me, I mean us only a day or so ago and it looks like a really profitable deal.”

He continued as he withdrew a plain manila coloured file from his highly polished leather brief case and opened it on his creased lined pants to read.

It contained all of the notes he had take during his meeting with Billy-Bob, Mary-Jo and Cuzn Luke, including the contract and his estimation of what they could squeeze from the three of them before delivery of the approved zoning application and certificate. He ran through all of the details and between them they identified potential issues that they would have to deal with. Aaron noted them down in his file and a name was assigned to each issue. Nothing out of the ordinary as far as the application went, none of the issues seemed insurmountable, the one area of intense interest was the amount of money they could each make from this one deal. They subtracted the ten percent cut of the profits that they always paid to Herbert Mouton then estimated that they would probably each earn about eight thousand dollars. With the three current applications they discussed earlier that took their takings to thirteen thousand dollars each for just four applications. They did not even bother to consider the amount that they could gain from the Akendo project; Clive had estimated that it could be fifty thousand dollars each to which Benjamin had commented sarcastically that that amount would probably be the barest minimum.  This was not the total of their elicit earnings as they all had their own individual lines in corrupt practices that brought in a steady but smaller stream of money. On these occasions they would engage none, some or if needed all of the others to help at an agreed fee to get they outcome their “clients” wanted. As with all of their Clandestine meetings they conducted their business efficiently, there was little idle chat or gossip and with all of the current matters concerning the four of them discussed, they ended the meeting. As Clive, Benjamin and Aaron opened their car doors and left the cool shade of the air conditioned interior of Jebs car for the heat of the late morning sun, Jeb could not contain himself and opened his window to direct another Barbed comment at Clive.

“Hey Clive…. Clive.”

 He said trying to control his laugh, Clive stopped mid stride and turned to answer Jeb.

“Yeah Jeb, whats up?”

He enquired thinking he had forgotten something or that Jeb had something else important that he needed to tell him.

“Now don’t you go an wreck that fancy turquoise faggot car of yours now will you … one wreck in a month is enough for any man.”

He replied now openly laughing. Benjamin who by now was standing besides his own car swigging from a bottle of cool spring water nearly choked, spitting out a fountain of spray all over the back of Clive’s head.

“Good shot.” 

Aaron shouted over as he climbed into his own car and watched Clive kick dust first in the direction of a departing Jeb before turning his attention to Benjamin and scuffing a shower of fine yellowy, grey dust up in the air over Benjamin’s windshield. Benjamin tipped Clive a cheeky wink through the swirling dust and sliding his transmission into drive pulled away down the track. The situation became even more comical to Aaron as the dust swirled in the eddies caused by the departing car and settled on and around Clive’s wet head and shoulders. This gave him the appearance of having either severe golden-grey dandruff or being a nuclear holocaust survivor staggering through the fine fallout of total annihilation.

“I’ll give them faggot car.”

Clive muttered to himself as Aaron’s tail lights disappeared around a bend in the track as he headed back towards the highway. He climbed into his little car and followed his three so called friends out onto the highway and headed for home. As Clive approached Rooster Browns diner his stomach gurgled and his attention turned to food, ‘Well nothing to do for an hour or so, so I’ll just take a bite to eat and have a see who is in there today ‘, he thought to himself as he turned into the uneven parking lot and pulled up around the back. Recently Clive had taken to visiting Rooster Browns at least four times a week and whenever he did he always seemed to be on the look out for someone. Out of view of anyone in the diner he parked his car and got out, he causally put on his lightweight suit jacket and patted its jacket pockets to check their contents,

”Yep everything accounted for.”

He said out aloud to himself as he strode purposely out of the shade at the rear of the diner around to the front. He walked past the windows at the front checking his tie in the reflection as if in a mirror at home and in two bounds was up the steps and opened the door. He surveyed the room from one end of the diner to the other before walking in and taking up a stool at the counter. He took up a menu and slowly read it to himself. As he did he slowly glanced sideways in both directions, seeing who was there, weighing things up in his mind. He also glanced in the long mirror that ran along the wall behind the counter to see who was seated in the window seats eating their meals.

There were a lot of people eating today, it was busy and waitresses scurried between tables with plates laden with all manner of delicious looking and smelling food. A babble of voices filled the air, with the occasional order being shouted back through the hatch to the cook beyond in the kitchen. The random sounds of coffee machines hissing, spluttering and gurgling accompanied by the sound of cream being squirted and knives and forks chinking and clattering against each other and onto the china plates that the food was served on added to the general hubbub of the diner. None of the voices were discernable. Clive caught the odd part of a sentence from the couple who sat next to him at the counter or the occasional laugh that pierced through the background noise. As he listened he continued surveying his surroundings. He ordered his food, a large burger with jalapeños, extra cheese, large fries and a black coffee before his attention was caught by a man who entered the dinner and took up the last remaining window seat, he watched as the man gave the waitress his order who giggled and curled her hair behind her right ear as she chatted then jotted down his order on her pad.

Clive watched as they chatted for a few moments, before the waitress turned and with a final giggle half skipped back to the serving hatch with his order. Clive’s attention was interrupted by the arrival of his meal which was placed in front of him on the counter with a bottle of Ketchup and a pot of Mayonnaise. He smothered his fries with a thick glutinous layer of mayonnaise and added a swirl of ketchup to the top of the melted cheese before replacing the top of the bun and taking a huge bite out of the delicious burger. The babble of his surrounding disappeared from his consciousness as he was engrossed with eating. Halfway through he ordered another coffee and a coke to go, as he knew only to well that these type meals always had a very high salt content especially the fries and five miles down the road he would be grateful of a drink to quench a growing salt driven thirst.

With a contented smile and a pat of his stomach he finished eating and with the paper napkin provided wiped a smear of ketchup from the corner of his mouth. He then called the waitress over and asked to pay the bill; she took his money and a generous five dollar tip and thanked him as he walked away from the counter.

Clive walked slowly towards the door his belly full with a Coke to go in his left hand. As he approached the door he stopped by a window table where the man he had seen smiling and joking with one of the other waitresses sat. Reaching into his right hand jacket pocket Clive pulled out an innocent looking can that he brought in a single flash of movement into line with this man’s face. Holding it  only some eight inches from the mans nose and before the man even knew what was happening he depressed a small trigger and a gushing spray of choking pain filled foam squirted into the mans face, penetrating his lips, nose and eyes. The man screamed as the searing pain coursed directly to the pain sensors in his brain, he clawed at his face as the fiery foam dilated the capillaries of his eyes causing him temporary blindness, he leaped up from his seat sending his table crashing sideways and scattering his food over his neighboring diners. He started to cough, choking as he gasped for air,the super hot Habanero chili extract that was one of the foams main ingredients was dragged deep into the mucous membranes of the sinus cavities of his nose, throat and lungs causing them to swell up which prevented all but his most desperate life supporting gasps for breath. He collapsed in a two hundred and eighty pound heap on the floor as a crowd gathered around him. Rebecca was in tears, shrieking at the top of her voice.

 ”Someone help him!!… Please someone help!! Jerome what up hun?… What you choking on?” Jerome could not answer, his beetroot face gasped for air, his beard and hair clogged with spit and snot and his eyes felt as if they had been pierced by white hot pokers that had scorched their way into the depths of his skull.

Clive was at the door and out of it before anyone had time to register the man’s first agonized scream. He had acted with such speed that not even Jerome knew what was happening to him until the first molecules of Oleoresin Capsicum and super fine ground black pepper penetrated his defenses and entered his body.With a calm air Clive descended the steps and walked back along the front of the diner, as before he straightened his tie, only momentarily peering through his semi mirrored reflection to view the commotion on the other side of the glass. He walked briskly back to his car, got in, stated the engine and drove back around to the front of the diner and left the uneven surface of the car park for the smooth surface of the highway. He chuckled to himself as he replayed every second of his brief encounter back through his mind, openly smiling to himself and hammering on his steering wheel with delight as the man’s screams echoed in his ears. “That’ll teach that mother fuckin dumb fuck, all six foot seven of you and you ain’t shit to me.”

He shouted out to himself in triumph as he drove along in the sunshine, he had got his vengeance and he liked how he felt, he felt power,

” Nobody fucks with me.”

He shouted.

“Nobody fucks with me!!”

Back at Rooster Brown’s an ambulance soon arrived and took the quivering heap of a man straight to the emergency department  at Ville Platte hospital, Rebecca accompanied him, sobbing as she held the hand of this gentle man mountain who continually screamed in agony as his eyes nose and mouth all swelled and reddened.

 I hope you enjoy your reading. It is available on Kindle and a free copy can be borrowed for download at

Howard Moore

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