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Sunday, March 16, 2025
HomeNational NewsThe Labour Party is dead. What you see now is an establishment...

The Labour Party is dead. What you see now is an establishment ghoul

“The Labour party is dead, it’s just a right-wing Neoliberal political party full of lobbyist shills and NATO puppets now. The leader and Shadow Health minister are heavily-funded by lobbyists with shares in private healthcare corporations and plan on fully integrating the private sector into the NHS. The Shadow Energy Security Minister, Alan Whitehead is lobbied by private energy companies, GB Energy is going to be a publicly-funded investment vehicle for private energy companies.

In the video above Jonathan failed to mention why Corbyn was “unelectable” while he was Labour leader, it was because the Labour Right, the Tories and the mainstream media worked tirelessly to demonise and vilify him with lies. They politically assassinated him because he refused to sell out. The people holding the Labour party hostage now are the same people who took part in the 2016 chicken coup and supported Owen Smith’s leadership challenge.

Starmer just succeeded where Owen Smith failed, by sabotaging the 2019 GE with the 2nd referendum policy as Shadow Brexit Minister, throwing the election and then being the one to hijack the party after Jeremy stood down. He hid his donor list until after he won, he has reneged on every pledge he made to become leader and now suddenly we’re expected to forget, hold our nose and vote for them. Are we really going to help Starmer hijack the country like he hijacked the Labour party? A sorry excuse for a man that basically said that Israel has a right to turn off the electricity to hospitals with babies in incubators in them?

We should be protesting by going further left, not further right, I voted Green with my postal vote. Like any decent Human Being should, but a lot of people are being manipulated by the mainstream media into going even further right than Labour or the Tories and support the far-right Reform Ltd. We have somehow let half of our people be tricked into thinking foreigners and disabled people are the cause of all of our country’s problems, we’ve let the mainstream-media scapegoat the most vulnerable in our society for the criminality of our government, for the siphoning of wealth out of our country and into offshore bank accounts.

Labour have won the 2024 General Election, but just like across Europe and Argentina, when the so-called Centrists screw everyone over and go into business for themselves and serve their rich donors at our expense, the country moves further right and the Overton Window goes out the window. We are in a no-win situation here. The party of the people has been corrupted, the moral vote is dead and people are going to protest this by becoming apathetic, racist, ableist monsters. While being a decent, intelligent, free-thinking human being is going to be a minority in this country and we’re just going to get called “woke” and laughed at while the country burns.”

My Despair

I honestly feel like I’m wasting my time 90% of the time and it just falls on deaf ears. I’ve been doing this for years, sat at my keyboard getting old and fat and miserable telling the truth while the country goes to shit… While everything I’ve said becomes reality and my predictions and warnings get laughed at or even worse just ignored.

Sometimes it just feels pointless now and I just feel like I failed because when it actually mattered between 2017 and 2019 I couldn’t talk sense into enough people to actually do the right thing… And trying to convince people to vote Green or Independent is even harder than that now, and most people (the people who voted to get us into this mess in the first place) are now trying to fix this by going even further right.

And more than that, getting called a Tory because I apply the same political analysis I’ve always used to rip apart the Tories to expose the red Tories infesting the party they stole from us is infuriating… Instead of the Centrists grasping the truth, seeing the evidence, looking at the register of members’ interests and realising I’m right and that the red Tories are no better than the blue Tories, they decide to call me a Tory, someone who has fought the Tories their entire adult life, someone who nearly killed themselves after the DWP found them fit for work when he was at the lowest point in his life and suicidal, someone who is an unpaid carer for a disabled person, someone with a daughter who’s future is more precious to him than any political factional point-scoring game.

I keep doing this for my daughter’s sake, for her future’s sake but I’m really tired. So yes, please, amplify my voice because I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this.


I’ve realised that I wasn’t exactly right about things surrounding private energy and Alan Whitehead. While he was advocating for private energy involvement with GB Energy he actually retired in May… The truth is actually much worse, The Labour Energy Minister is now Ed Miliband, who has been planning all of this since October last year. I did some more digging and all I was really able to find is John Armitage, one of the party’s biggest recent donors having a lot of shares in a Canadian private energy company, and also a lot of ex-Labour goons moving on to a lobbying group called The Blakeney Group. They lobby for Octopus energy…. Not only that but they also represent the Pennon Group, who own South West water, the private water company that was fined millions for illegally pouring sewage into the rivers and sea around Devon and Cornwall.

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