Prime Minister,

Policemen caught on camera framing a pedestrian

It’s pointless expecting anything remotely approaching a sensible response from the Home Office about the utterly appalling police behaviour iun the above links, so I’ll include them as a CC addressee only.  All that woud come back – if they were to bother at all – would be a standard parrot letter swaying that individual incidents are a matter for the individual police services to deal with as they see fit.  So what, exactly, does Tessiebaby draw her fat salary for, if not to oversee those individual services and respond to justifiable complaints like this?

Both links contain the Youtube footage, which has been downloaded for safe keeping and possible future publication should the online video happen to – ahem! – “go missing.”

Is this what people pay their taxes for?  So they can be falsely accused and then subjected to false arrest by a creature that is clearly not in any way fit to infest the uniform that it has wormed its way into?  The cameraman was a PEDESTRIAN, but was arrested for DUI !!  I doubt that even the best of the TV comedy scriptwriters could have penned something so ridiculous.  It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so bloody disgusting.

When I went to look at GMP’s website, to get their complaints people’s address for this email, you know what was the first thing I noticed about the homepage?  Appeals.  Appeals to the public for help in solving crimes.  Why the blazes should the public, when they can see this kind of misfeasance on the part of an official in a public office, give a flying toss about providing help to those who obviously would turn on them in a split second for exercising their democratic right to protest?  I think the general response, once this has finished going viral, will be “F*ck ’em” with regard to all police services.  I used to squirm when I heard the police being referred to as filth, pigs and so on.  When I see footage like this, I can only agree with those sentiments.  If this is how the police expect to “regain the trust and goodwill of the public” then they have a long job ahead of them, that’s all I can say.

I think it’s time you fessed up, Prime Minister:  How much of a backhander are these sorry excuses for coppers taking from the drilling companies who are pushing ahead with the fracking project, against the wishes of local people and the wider national community?

This incident, a crystal clear abuse of position and authority, needs to be dealt with under the Police Reform Act of 2002.  In case your flunkies don’t know where to find it, have them look at

 Sincerely, Darren Lynch

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