Keith Lindsey Cameron is absolutely right in his latest article.  Everything we see around us is part of a cleverly orchestrated poltical agenda and where does it all stem from?

One need look no further than Saul Alinsky. His book, ‘Rules for Radicals’ is the key to all this. Marxist Alinsky’s work has been written into the manifestos of all main UK parties.

Whether Con, LibDem or Labour, it is a three headed monster with one body. It doesn’t make a blind bit of difference where you put your X, the agenda remains the same, Alinksky’s. There is no debate, no consensus, it is a system of of divide, ignore and control. Lindsey Cameron describes this so well. The financial crisis, privatisation by the back door, NHS deaths, stealing from private bank accounts, none of this is the result of incompetence, human error or just bad luck.

It IS all planned, a slow, controlled demolition, just like the twin towers. Making people believe it is their own fault is the key here. Straight from Alinksky’s book. Creating divisions in society, putting white against black, people against the pollice, it IS all planned.

When you stand close to a painted masterpiece, you only see a very small part, this is exactly what they want you to do. It is only by standing back that you can see the whole picture. They are terrified of your doing this, it would detroy them, as the plan would be revealed. You must never be able to join the dots and so far, it’s working.

Britain is slowly creeping towards a Communitarian State, a State of total control, supression and neo feudalism of the masses, all run by an elite few. Where you live, how you live, where you can go, what you can eat, what you can think, watch, learn, believe, how much you can own and earn, your very soul even, will be determined by a very few,

Conspiracy theorists are those who do not trust known liars!

‘Rules for Radicals’, dedicated to Lucifer is rapidly becoming the new Bible.

We can and must stop this RIGHT NOW or future generations are in for a life of servitude.

James Pulleine

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