1a. Are there any companies you’d like to thank and promote who are NOT Tory donors?

1b (Follow-up Question): Since the pandemic began, are there any public sector/NHS contracts which you have not awarded to your private sector mates?

2. When looking at the Death Toll Comparison Chart, when Professor Van-Tam and others kept calling Italy, Spain and France ‘the other European countries’ do you think it fooled anyone into thinking they were average European countries as opposed to the other countries with the highest death tolls?

3. Have you stopped showing the Death Toll Comparison Chart because you think the public might cotton on to the fact that, if you keep displaying the fact that we have the second highest death toll in the world and, at the same time, the Prime Minister talks of our ‘apparent success’, people might notice the slight incongruence?

4. The Prime Minister stated that “there will be many people looking now at our apparent success.” Who dat den? 

5. You have made it clear via what is now known as ‘the Rees Mogg proviso’ that the first to return to work include nannies, cleaners and gardeners. Could you possibly make it any clearer that you are a bunch of elite toffs engaged in a class war?

6. The second stage of your easing of the partial-lockdown measures is planned for Monday 1st June. However, the third stage is planned for 4th July. Can you please provide the SCIENTIFIC rationale for why 4th July, which is a Saturday, was chosen?

7. The ONS excess death statistics have now been repeatedly analysed by The Financial Times and it is clear that the current death toll from Covid-19 is approximately 60,000 – almost double the official toll. This is because you have chosen to include only those deaths where there was a positive test, despite the fact that you have hardly been testing anyone outside of hospitals until very recently. When are you going to stop hiding the true death toll from the public?

8. It has been widely reported that Nightingale hospitals have been mostly unused. It is also widely reported that this is because there have not been medical staff available or allocated to work in them. If there were not 40,000 nursing vacancies at the start of this crisis, might we have been able to treat some of our elderly in the nightingale hospitals as opposed to refusing them hospital admission and leaving them to die in care homes?

9. 6 weeks after bragging about housing 5 times more homeless people than the government annually claims exist, the fund to support local Authorities in housing homeless people has been quietly withdrawn. Would it not be better to now tackle the homeless issue permanently as opposed to simply throwing people back onto the streets?

10. You know the NHS is not a Charity, right? Along with other public services, it is meant to be fully funded through our taxes. When will you stop giving our taxes to the rich and the corporations through tax breaks and allowing the super-rich to not pay tax, so that Captain Tom can stop walking round his garden and we can stop thinking the NHS is a fucking charity?

Tom Lane

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