This is absolutely absurd.

Obviously nothing wrong with paying respects to the late Queen, but potentially killing others to do so cannot EVER be accepted.

It is completely unforgivable, and total unnecessary.

This has gone WAY beyond respect, this is a bizarre cult-like obsession.

It’s truly a dangerous thing for people to have that much invested in what is essentially fairy tales about kings and queens. At what cost?!

If you want to believe in fairy tales, should-be-myths and an unequal, unelected class system, fine…don’t be killing off people to do so, then having the absolute f***ing audacity to claim you are the respectful, patriotic one and the rest of us should just suck it up.

No. No. NO!

Adam Samuels

The most intriguing part of the right wing obsession with monarchy is staring them in the face:

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