“War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength”. – George Orwell: 1984.
The word ‘Warlock’ comes to us from the early Middle Ages.  It is derived from a Middle English word ‘Warloghe’, which in itself comes down to us from an Old English word ‘Wrloga’.

In mythology a Warlock could use the power of his voice to ensnare and trap the unwary or even, it is said, destroy those who opposed him. This idea comes from the true meaning of all three words ‘Warlock, Warloghe, and Wrloga’ which is that of a descriptive that illustrates the true nature of a man or woman who breaks his or her oath, i.e. the ‘Oath-Breaker’, a person who betrays his given word, or vow, or plight; hence the idea that a Warlocks voice could wreck ruin.

In ancient times such people were so reviled and universally despised (by friends and foes) that our early ancestors had to formulate a special ‘Title of Despite’ to adequately describe them, for oaths were viewed in those days as ‘Sacred’ and to ‘Break your Oath’ was to break with your Tribe, your God, your King, and your Countrymen. Thus it was that they named such creatures ‘Warlock’.

Of course we know now that Kings, Queens, and ‘Nobel Men’ routinely broke their oaths back then. In point of fact, this is how the world worked and how those in power got to be ‘Those in Power’. Thus it is as surely as shit rolls down hill [no matter the length of the journey] we eventually arrive in to the modern world where their rancid examples of treachery, over centuries of repeated betrayals, has led us to a contemporary world in which nobody anywhere (save a few special people) ever keeps their given word, or perhaps even grasps what swearing an oath means.
Indeed I wonder at times in the wee hours as I am contemplating some new act of perfidy committed by our political masters, if those in power throughout the history of the world [because of their very nature and betrayals] have ever actively tried to eradicate the word ‘Warlock’ from our vocabulary for imagine if you can ‘how we as a people would react to their betrayals if such a powerful word were to remain with us through our natural discourse’ – for what other Title could we ever use to describe them and their betrayals other than that of ‘Oath Breakers’?

Interestingly – I never heard the word ‘Warlock’ used to describe the criminal betrayals of those who govern us on Television or seen it written in Newspapers. My guess is that the Elite, who own or control these outlets, have absolutely no desire to see so powerful a word as ‘Warlock’ remain in the common vernacular of mankind. I guess it should come as no surprise that they and their lickspittles in the news media have let the word ‘Warlock’ diminish from our minds to the degree where these days it only to be used in the land of Myth and Fiction – and even there only rarely.

Whatever the truth of that little bit of personal conjecture my narrative herein brings me in a haphazard but non random fashion to the theme of this narrative and the central (but by no means singular) perfidious character of Mister Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and the use of words.

Words are important.

Routinely nowadays, men and women in Public Office betray The People of Great Britain in order to satisfy some personal avarice and nobody bats an eyelid. Promises made by the great and the not-so-good are cast aside without nary a thought, and with even less of a concern for the consequence. One only has to look at Nick Clegg’s vow to the students pre-election or David Cameron’s guarantee to the country ‘not to privatise the NHS’ to grasp the hollowness of their promises; they are all shameless ‘Shysters’ who offer and then break their pledges without any thought of dishonour.
They are ‘Warlocks’ indeed.

But the shining example of a Politicians treacherous infamy in recent years must be that of Tony Blair and his aspiration for war in Iraq. His maltreatment of those who fought in the conflict (on both sides) during and after the assault is the stuff of legend. But it is the disgraceful and utterly outrageous misrepresentation of the facts through the use of ‘persuasive words’ to the general population and our [so called] political representatives in The House of Commons that stands out as The Crime of The Century.

Too many believed his glib lies, all too many of us accepted his ‘Reason for War’ in his now infamous address to Parliament in which he explained just how dangerous a threat to peace were Saddam Hussein’s ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’. Anthony Charles Lynton Blair is a Master of Words.

His falsehood for War was of breathtaking and [consequently] horrific proportions. He presented us all with a Document [The September Dossier] that avowed that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s), these munitions included ‘Chemical Weapons’ and more sinisterly ‘Biological Weapons’. He even went on to claim that the dossier proved that Iraq had reassembled its nuclear weapons programme and was soon going to be able to hit Tel-Aviv and reign down a Nuclear Holocaust on the Citizens of Israel via the means of his difficult to locate 9K52 Luna-M (Frog 7) missile platforms. The power of words spoken are multiplied when written down, they take on an authority that even the best speech maker finds hard to counter, it was something Blair understood all too well, thus he used it to his advantage.

As it turned out – the only part of his Parliamentary speech [words] which bore any resemblance to reality was the fact that Iraq did have Frog-7’s, nothing else was real. His speech was a deliberate fiction designed to confound the opponents to war with just enough truth to hide his premeditated and wholly malicious lie. His whole line of reasoning for War with Iraq which he subsequently offered up to ‘Parliamentary Scrutiny’ and public censure was a Chimera; a lie so audacious that even now – over a decade later – the evil of that day permeates through the political landscape of this nation and circles the globe like a ‘fel wind’ bringing with it a cancerous hate which has created a whole new world of enemies for us to face.

Which was of course – the whole point of the exercise.

Iraq had no nuclear capability whatsoever! Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti had no chemical weaponry worthy of invasion, and certainly he had no Biological Weapons. The Nuclear Holocaust story was just that… a story; something told to frighten little children, and ladies and gentlemen we were the children he needed to frighten with his tales of a bogeyman, and we fell for it. Did Saddam deserve death? Undoubtedly! Hussein was monstrous and clearly a mass murderer, but in comparison to Anthony Charles Lynton Blair? He – ‘Saddam Hussein’  – was a dilettante in the game of mass murder.

And yet, despite all this, despite our now knowing the full depths of Blair’s perfidious nature and actions, ‘The Envoy for Peace’ is still somehow allowed to spread his falsehoods across our television screens with the effortless slick malevolence of a Grimm’s fairy Tale. Still he spreads his influence across the world, and his grip on British Politics is omnipresent. And this Ladies & Gentlemen is where we must touch base with how these acts of infamy reach out from our past to blight the future – for David Cameron (complicit in Blair’s horrific war crime) has deliberately stifled and squashed the publication of the Report into Tony Blair’s Iraq Activities [and his subsequent conduct which assured for Blair – riches beyond the dreams of avarice]. 

Why is the question you must ask.


And whilst you have no doubts heard all of this before, [no doubt at all] yet still we as a people do nothing about it; and because we refuse to do anything about it, it will happen again. Indeed it already has, for if you look objectively at the case of Muammar Gaddafi whose murder David Cameron was largely responsible for, the scale of the crime may be smaller but the result is the same. Thus is the legacy of Anthony Charles Lynton Blair not one of a prosperous nation at peace with the world, but instead that of a Nation in violent contention with much of it, governed by men so alike to his own nature that it is no easy measure to make out any difference between them – save that he [Blair] towers over their puny intellects like an atrocious colossus.

He uses words like ‘Peace’ when what he means is ‘War’, he speaks of Democracy when he means Dictatorship, he utters the words ‘Freedom and Justice’ with effortless malice as he commands  their opposite across the world which by the by makes the words themselves seem banal and meaningless to the rest of us.  Anthony Charles Lynton Blair is a master wordsmith, he is Devil Tongued, and yet despite his face being lined by the weight of all the children he murdered, he remains ‘Untouchable’ – he is ‘A Master of Words’ – he is ‘Warlock’ whose true legacy is endless war.

Words are important Ladies & Gentlemen, they are weapons used by the foes of peace to promote war. People like Anthony Charles Lynton Blair use words to tell you black is white, up is down, good is evil, and they will all of them, promise you, swear to you, VOW to you ‘that they will never sell the NHS off to enrich their mates’ or ‘betray you’ – and you believe them – after all ‘they have given you their ‘Word’…

In ancient times people thought that a Warlock could use the power of his voice to Trap & Destroy you… I think our ancestors knew what they were talking about….

Kanjin Tor

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