You couldn’t make it up and you don’t have to. The mainstream press and media have reported the facts even though they’ve been buried under the ever increasing padding, dross and irrelevant non articles designed to distract public attention from what is really important.

Call it ‘expenses fiddling’, ‘creative accounting’, ‘cottaging’, ‘adultery’, ‘kiddy fiddling’, ‘plebgating’, ‘vested interests’, ‘insider dealing’, or ‘vote rigging’, and now ‘drugs’, our politicians are all at it.

Leaving aside the politically correct language, we are really talking about liars, cheats, perverts, and criminals. The party matters not. They are all the same and it’s no wonder that this country is descending into chaos. Dig deeper and we see the powerful banking elites pulling MP’s strings to ensure that each and every inch of the public assets and infrastructure of Britain is handed over to the corrupt, fraudulent banking cartels or big corporations. By the instruments of decay and chaos, these vile institutions are driving every part of this once green and pleasant land into their total control.

Moreover, this process is clearly speeding up. “What can we do?” is the question many are now asking. The answer is clear, to understand the problem and then expose it, very loudly and fast.

There is some light at end of this dark and sinister tunnel and that comes from the fact that finally the mainstream press and media have woken up to the reality of this corrupt ConDem coalition government and the equally corrupt Labour the so called opposition, as to their attempts to gain total state control of free reporting.

Should this grotesque State plan ever be achieved, we are lost. Happily a core of professional journalists have seen the dangers and halted the discredited Leveson Inquiry in it’s tracks.

Alongside the press and media it is increasingly apparent that many good policemen and women have started to actually think and take action. Against the background of impisonment of whistleblowers, then every member of the police who speaks out is to be praised and cherished. In the not too distant future it will be the police who have to decide if they continue to act for corrupt politicians and an equally corrupt police elite, or will they stand up for what is truth and right? The daily growing evidence is that they will take the correct path. Let’s all hope so for all our sakes.

James Pulleine

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