Statement from Stand Up To Racism Dorset:
“We are concerned and angry that after our event at the Richard Drax Charborough estate on Saturday 17 July, some people who were exercising their democratic right to protest about racism were refused entry to the World’s End pub.
A few facts:
• The march was never intended to assemble at the pub.
• It was agreed with police and billed as a family friendly event, and that is what it was.
• When some of us were barred, the security staff were unpleasant and rude. We merely made clear we would publicise the pub’s actions.
• The reason we were given was that the owners Electric Pubs had decided to ban protesters. Covid was never mentioned. Some white people who had been on the protest were served without question. It appears groups that included someone who was black were particularly targeted.
This did appear racist to those concerned. In Stand Up to Racism we know that black and white unity is the best way to challenge racism and that injustices need to be challenged.
Therefore I’m afraid we have to stand with those who were turned away by recommending our supporters do not visit your pub.”
I had the pleasure of listening to Ken Olende speak at the Dorset Rally for Slavery Justice outside the Drax estate yesterday.
Ken Olende PhD is a tutor in black history, race and humanities, and he speaks knowledgeably and with conviction.
If you follow the link you’ll read his description of how he was barred from entry at the Worlds End Gastro Pub, Almer, Dorset. From Ken’s tweet:
“We’re only following orders. Just leave”. I told them it reminded me, as a black man, of pubs that officially or unofficially didn’t let me in when I was younger.
The 2011 census indicates that only 1.7% of the Dorset population listed themselves as part of the BAME community. Compared to 97.9% that marked themselves as white.
Myself and my four Labour fellows who also attended the rally and dressed in Labour red festooned with Stand Up To Racism badges and stickers were not barred entry. Unlike Ken we are all white.

The truths spoken yesterday from those speaking from lived experiences must be taught over and over again until learned by all.
George Farquhar
Response from The World’s End Pub.
‘In response to the recent comments involving the planned Anti-Slavery protest, The Worlds End Management would like to make the following statement for clarity.
Protesters had planned to leave The World’s End pub and march to the Charborough Estate, there was a heavy police presence in place and numbers expected were in the region of 300-500 protesters.
With this in mind, and the fact that the pub is currently continuing to trade under strict Covid-19 legislation, a full risk assessment was conducted. It was decided that it would be safer to deny entry to all protesters due to the unpredictable nature of the situation, the numbers involved and the safety and well-being of our staff and customers. The volume in numbers expected and the staffing crisis currently experienced in the hospitality trade, led to us feeling unprepared to deal with any adverse situations arising from the protest.
Our management and staff were subjected to abusive and aggressive behaviour from some protesters and we believe we acted in the correct way by dis-allowing entry. Threats were then made that a campaign to close the pub would be launched so the numerous negative reviews, comments and intimidation we have received has not been unexpected.
The World’s End would like to assure customers that we support free speech, the right to protest and our actions were not racially motivated in any way.’
More holes than a a warehouse full of Swiss cheese??
The first 5 people were quite simply the first there and alowed in.
THEN the pub (sensibly, and to add, ensuring that they lost business) decided that they would not alow others in due to COVID reasons with a lot of people potentially turning up.
Then no further protesters were alowed in. Black or White.
And you and other mindless hypocrites are slandering a lovely pub!
I have taken several of my non white friends to this pub and they had a lovely meal and were treated with the EQUALITY and respect they deserved.
See that word….. EQUALITY…. because both white and black people were refused entry after this decision.
So it had nothing to do with racism!
You want some moral campaigning to do???
Then do the right thing and campaign to restore the reputation of this lovely pub that you have falsely accused!
The whole thing and any of you that do not see this as false and slanderous is PATHETIC!
Thank you for your comment.
Many people are asking why the seating outside was not utilised if Covid was a concern and why only 5 people were allowed in when covid restrictions do not support this.
Also another black person who was turned away has now reported the pub to the police so we will not comment further.
Thank you.