One needs to understand why Zionism cannot be Jewish. The Torah clearly explains that only when the true son of God has revealed himself can the Jews claim any land as thier own. That has not happened in the Jewish faith and thus they cannot claim Israel as their own.

Orthodox Jewish Groups: Many ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups, such as Neturei Karta, oppose Zionism on religious grounds. They argue that the establishment of a Jewish state in the Holy Land should only occur with the coming of the Messiah, as prophesied in Jewish scriptures. They believe that Zionism, which is a secular nationalist movement, contradicts this religious teaching.

Messianic Belief: According to this belief, the creation of Israel by human effort, rather than divine intervention, is seen as a defiance of God’s will and thus illegitimate.

In the meantime however fakes Jews behave like this towards real Jews. The fake Jews are the real antisemites.

This is just hate based upon social conditioning. Facts are not welcomed in this type of environment.

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