No body is served by corporate politics. Both sides lose and the only winners as ever are the super rich and super influential. The rest are kicked aside like trash.

Here is Donald Trump trying to convince their ‘trash cans’ to vote for him by managing to do what he accuses his opponents of. The problem is that the US public are notoriously unable to understand irony. Therefore, dressing up and behaving like trash cans becomes second nature.

Embarrassing and very sad.

More gaffes:

Confusing 9/11 with 7/11: During a campaign rally in 2016, Trump mistakenly referred to the 9/11 terrorist attacks as “7/11″​ (The Independent)​​ (The Independent)​.

“Thighland” instead of Thailand: In a speech at a Whirlpool factory in Ohio, he mispronounced Thailand as “Thighland”​ (The Independent)​.

Covfefe: In a late-night tweet, Trump wrote “Despite the constant negative press covfefe,” which left many baffled as the tweet remained incomplete and unclear​ (The Independent)​.

Spelling Melania’s name wrong: Welcoming his wife back from the hospital, he tweeted “Melanie is feeling and doing really well,” instead of “Melania”​ (The Independent)​.

Calling the Virgin Islands’ governor the president: During a press conference, Trump referred to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands as its president, seemingly forgetting that as a U.S. territory, he himself is the president of the Virgin Islands​ (The Independent)​.

Advocating a wall and making Mexico pay: Trump repeatedly asserted that he would build a wall on the southern border and that Mexico would fund it, a claim that stirred significant controversy and backlash​ (The Independent)​.

African-American youth “have no spirit”: Following a tragic shooting in Charleston, he remarked that African-American youth had “no spirit,” which many found to be a highly insensitive comment​ (The Independent)​.

“Supply change” instead of supply chain: In an interview, Trump incorrectly referred to the supply chain as “supply change”​ (indy100)​.

Hummus vs. Hamas: In a speech, Trump repeatedly mispronounced the name of the militant group Hamas as “hummus”​ (indy100)​.

Wind turbines killing whales: Trump claimed that wind turbines were killing whales “in numbers never seen before,” which is a conspiracy theory with no scientific basis​ (indy100)​.

Backing Joe Biden: Trump seemingly agreed with Putin that Biden would be a preferable president​ (indy100)​.

Criticizing Florida’s voting system: Trump complained about mail-in voting despite having won in Florida using that system​ (indy100)​.

Mixing up the dates for the Michigan primary: Incorrectly stated that it was in November when it was actually in February​ (indy100)​.

Describing his potential second term as a “dictatorship”: Shared a post implying a desire for power and revenge​ (indy100)​.

Lying about being president in 2021: Claimed he was too busy as president in 2021 to manage finances, despite not being in office then​ (indy100)​.

The problem with the American republic is that for the vast majority whoever they vote for they will be kicked down the street.

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