Those of us of the rank of mere mortal and below struggle with a freezing cold spring and worry about how we are going to pay the heating bills. On top of this we are getting more and more concerned over the ongoing attacks on our families by the public school elite ruling us, rising inequality as the discredited and divisive policy of austerity hits us ever harder, and a myriad of other unprovoked Tory crap we just don’t need. All this visits us on a daily basis and it was with utter incredulity that I discovered an establishment side show that beggars belief.

Swanage Railway has been awarded a further grant of £1.47 million ostensibly to continue its drive to link up with the main network at Wareham. In light of this happy news a South West Trains financed jolly pulled into Swanage today with several carriage loads of the great and the good including delegates from Swanage Town Council, Purbeck District Council, Dorset County Council, Ne(o)twork Rail and South West St(r)ains.

As the train juddered to a halt and the doors opened a veritable plethora of brass and dignitaries was vomited onto the platform to engage in copious amounts for mutual admiration and other totally mysterious revelry.

Not exactly an open topic, the toffs and posers stayed on the platform making various ‘how de do’ noises and a lot of what sounded to me like ‘fwah..fwah…fwah’ type sounds before getting back onto the train and buggering off after about 5 minutes. Poor dears obviously found it a bit too cold and wanted to get back to their nice warm offices.

I was told it was a ‘fact-finding’ trip. Well ‘nice work if you can get it’ is maybe the thought that goes through your head. Bear in mind though we are all in this together – aren’t we?

Graham Horne


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