Jeremy Corbyn’s son Tommy re door stepping & the media:
“There was a lot to get used to when Dad became leader but this shit was by far the worst. Literally a gang of the most obnoxious people you could imagine camped outside day and night. I remember the day before he was elected leader two supposed journos followed Dad to where we were having tea, waited outside and when he tried to leave the camera man stood with the front wheel of dad’s bike between his legs and the other barked out ridiculous questions. After I pulled him off and when dad finally managed to leave one of them shouted out to me: “you’d better get used to this we’re not going away!” Fuck me he wasn’t wrong. It only got worse from there.”
And his own Party have also stabbed him in the back. There are no limits to the depths these people will sink to.
Tommy Corbyn
As we have seen since 2015 in particular some people are just scum:
And much, much more on the site.
At least the independent alternative media kept track of the campaign of hate against Jeremy Corbyn as we can be sure that the corporate media were only interested in engineering and orchestrating it.
James Finlayson