Tommy Robinson facing up to two years in prison


* Following a communication from the Attorney General’s Office, this article has been updated.

This is huge news and is a direct result of HOPE not hate submitting a dossier of evidence and an open letter to the Attorney General showing how Tommy broke a court order relating to the Jamal Hajazi case.

Back in April and May 2023, HOPE not hate brought to light that Tommy had aired a documentary in collaboration with MICE Media, in direct breach of a court order. Our research team uncovered that Tommy was jetsetting around the world, promoting the film and interviewing a number of far-right activists.

Now, Tommy will finally be challenged and he faces up to two years in prison if he’s convicted.

Almost 15,000 of us signed an open letter to the Attorney General asking her to start criminal proceedings. This case will take time. But for now, let’s celebrate this important milestone

This campaign has always been about getting justice for Jamal. Back in 2021, Jamal successfully sued Tommy for libel after he falsely claimed Jamal had attacked girls in his school.

Tommy was ordered to pay Jamal £100,000 in libel damages on top of legal costs but Tommy declared bankruptcy and never paid up.

To add insult to injury, Tommy then continued to promote the film and repeat his lies, despite the court telling Tommy in no uncertain terms: stop lying or you will go to prison.

Tommy thinks he’s above the law. But the law is catching up with him.

Hope NOT Hate

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