Well it was all going swimmingly. The planters around the town of West Parley looked wonderful

The volunteers were taking time out to water them and everything was bright and beautiful.

The plaudits were raining in

‘A big thank you to all the Parley volunteers, you all do such a great job x’

‘Big thank you from me too! The work you do is much appreciated!!!’

‘The flowers are beautiful and must be taking a lot of time watering to keep them looking like this. Big thank you to the volunteers’

‘The Parley volunteers are so wonderful. I’ve often driven past them working hard!’

And then boom:

Gardener Tray Veronica noticed that some unusual greenery were cannabis plants.

Quoted by the BBC she said: “I can identify most plants so my head did a 360 when I spotted them in the council planter.”

Ms Veronica continued: “The plants were pretty big when I spotted them so they’d have been in there for a few weeks unnoticed. I’m assuming this was someone’s idea of a joke.”

The parish council were quick to distant themselves by stating they were “not part of this year’s schedule” and have been handed to police to be identified.

Not sure if this means they were curious as to what type of cannabis plants they were or whether they are actually cannabis plants but one can imagine the panic. All they needed was an arrangement of poppies and they could have been looking at ten years.

All’s well that ends well as the slapping on the back, the giggling and the ‘hey man’s’ are on hold again until next year.

Penny Lane

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