Underneath a Twitter post of an online media report headlined “Woman raped in Plumstead park in early hours” – and which included a police comment – Shaun Slator wrote: “More likely that it’s a punter that didn’t pay.”

When onfronted by the Daily Mirror, defiant Mr Slator, who sits on neighbouring Bromley Council, said: “I’m not promoting rape, am I?”

He admitted: “I don’t know that she is or she isn’t (a prostitute), do you?”

He doesn’t know but automatically insinuates a relationship. What a ****!

Asked if it was appropriate for a councillor to suggest an alleged rape victim was a prostitute, he insisted: “I said it was a possibility.

“I think if there is a problem with that and the police haven’t been solving it for many years, I think that is a problem.”

He admitted he could see why some people might have a problem with his tweet, but added: “Would they rather people were working to take women off of drugs, out of the abusive situation that they’re in, or would they rather that continued?

Lib Dem MP Sarah Olney responded: “This is a disgusting comment to make.

“The councillor should apologise immediately and retract these disgraceful comments.

“I expect the Conservative Party to suspend him without delay.

“These attitudes towards rape should not be tolerated anywhere in this country, and especially in our politics.

“For elected representatives to spout such offensive remarks on this crime really is shocking.”

Labour MP Jess Phillips, the Shadow Minister for Domestic Violence and Safeguarding, said: “These comments are dangerous and stupid.

“First, prostituted and exploited women are raped and abused all the time and should be cared for, the idea that sexually exploited women and girls can’t be abused is what led to grave cover up and state failure. He should educate himself.

“Second, to stigmatise and blame any victim is despicable and it’s the reason why so few rapists ever face justice.

“He should focus on the terrible failure of Conservatives to secure conviction and charge in cases of sexual violence, they’ve crippled police and courts so badly.

“These attitudes have no place in society and even less so in a representative. The Conservatives shouldn’t allow it in their ranks.”

Women’s Equality Party leader Mandu Reid also speaking to the Mirror said: “I live in South East London and I was devastated to hear of this horrific incident – my thoughts are with the woman who reported the attack.

“The comments made by Shaun Slator are disgraceful and make me so angry, they demonstrate that he is not fit to serve as a councillor and should be removed from his duties immediately.

“Rape and all other forms of violence against women should always been taken seriously by everyone.

“To have an elected official publicly dismissing a rape allegation is completely unacceptable and sends a terrible message to the women and girls he is supposed to represent.

“The scourge of male violence against women in our society will never end whilst attitudes like councillor Slator’s are allowed to prevail.”

Thus a government that has been in for 14 years, has f***** up everything they have touched including crime and prosecutions and a Tory councillor blames the victim. As ever was.

Penny Lane

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