Dorset Wildlife Trust is calling for volunteers to help with practical conservation at Powerstock Common. The new monthly Sunday work parties are being led by DWT warden Steve Masters to help protect the outstanding wildlife and habitats of one of the most important reserves in Dorset.

Covering nearly 300 acres, Powerstock Common is a unique combination of ancient woodland and wildlife-rich grassland, with a disused railway line and network of ponds providing a haven for an exceptional range of wildlife. Featured on BBC TV’s Springwatch programme, the reserve is considered to be the closest you can get to the wild woods of the past. 

Dorset Wildlife Trust’s West Dorset Warden Steve Masters said: “Throughout the winter months we undertake a programme of practical management work, which helps us to maintain and enhance the biodiversity interest on the site. Volunteers are key to helping do this work, especially on such a large site as Powerstock Common. So if you regularly visit our reserves and want to be involved with helping to conserve your favourite species or habitats, or you have never been to our reserves and want to give it go, come along.

The next West Dorset Sunday work parties are on Sunday 11thNovember and Sunday 16thDecember. Meet in Powerstock Common car park (SY 547973) 10.30 am until 3pm. Please bring lunch and drinks, wet weather gear and water proof footwear.  Please ring Steve Masters on 07557 561624 at least two days in advance to book.  For further dates, please visit

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